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Archive for the ‘Biotechnology’ Category

Join Our Upcoming Webinar on the Topic of Crop Biotechnology – IDTechEx.com

Friday, July 3rd, 2020

Webinar Title: Crop Biotechnology: Could Genome Editing Revolutionise Agriculture?

Date: Tuesday 7 July 2020

In this webinar, Technology Analyst Dr Michael Dent will present an overview of IDTechEx's recent research into the crop biotechnology industry, focusing on the potential of genome editing to revolutionise the field.

The webinar will compare genome editing technologies, such as CRISPR, TALENs and ZFNs, with more established genetic modification techniques, providing technical, consumer and market insights. It will also discuss the challenges faced by genetic modification techniques and how genome editing technologies could overcome them.

The webinar will include:

Date: Tuesday 7 July 2020

Duration: 30 minutes

Webinar #1: Asia-Pacific

9:00am (GMT+8) Singapore, Taipei, Beijing

9:00am (GMT+8) Australian Western Standard Time

10:00am (GMT+9) Tokyo, Seoul

10:30am (GMT+9.30) Australian Central Time

11:00am (GMT+10) Australian Eastern Time

1:00pm (GMT+12) Auckland, New Zealand

Webinar #2: Europe

10:00am (GMT) London

11:00am (GMT+1) Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome

12:00noon (GMT+2) Athens, Jerusalem

Webinar #3: Americas

9:00am (Pacific Time PT) USA & Canada

10:00am (Mountain MST) USA & Canada

11:00am (Central CST) USA & Canada

12:00noon (Eastern EST) USA & Canada

5:00pm (GMT) London

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Join Our Upcoming Webinar on the Topic of Crop Biotechnology - IDTechEx.com


Investing in the vaccines of tomorrow: the case for biotechnology – Livewire Markets

Saturday, June 27th, 2020

Technology may typically be thought of in termsof computers and communications but its use inthe sphere of biotechnology is saving lives andchanging how we treat diseases. While investingin this area has obvious appeal from a social andmoral perspective, it can also be a highly lucrativespace as a growth investment in a portfolio.

Biotechnology is a sub-industry of the healthcaresector, which is typically divided into two spheres:

Biotechnology specifically refers to technologiesthat use biological processes, capturing companies that focus on research, development, manufacturing and/or marketing of products based onbiological and genetic information. The differenttypes of biotechnology include biological drugs,vaccines, immunotherapy, gene therapy, orphandrugs and genetic engineering.

While it may sound like a newer industry, biotechnology has a long rich history the creation ofpenicillin is in fact a form of biotechnology. Thecontinued improvements in technology over timehave also benefitted the biotechnology industry,enhancing the ability to access and use biologicalprocesses which we may not have even beenaware existed in the past. For example, DNAsequencing has revolutionised our ability to diagnose certain health concerns in individuals.Genome editing is a newer technology which maytransform how we treat or cure genetic diseases.

Demand is only likely to continue, not just on thebasis of the permanent need for treatments andvaccines for existing and yet to be identifieddiseases, but also because of the ability toimprove the way in which we treat. Imagine aworld where any illness you have can be treatedwith a drug specifically designed to work withyour genes and therefore minimise negativeside-effects and reduce recovery time? This is afuture that biotechnology is working towards.

It is no secret that biotechnology has experiencedextraordinary growth in recent times. Even in Australia, the fact that CSL Limited toppled Commonwealth Bank and BHP this year to become thelargest company by market capitalisation is anindication of the growing importance and value ofbiotechnology (1).

Biotechnology is predicted to be valued at morethan US$729bn by 2025, compared to US$295bntoday (2), and will continue to grow, driven by thegrowing global population and the need for affordable, effective treatments and vaccines to supporttreatment in the population.

Biotechnology will also be a beneficiary of population ageing, particularly in Western countries. Thereason for this is that an increase in the volume ofolder citizens is likely to have an accompanyingand proportional increase in the volume of age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease,dementia or arthritis, all needing treatment (3).

Gilead is one example of a company with prospects in this space. Gilead is already well-knownfor its highly effective HIV treatments but is alsotargeting US and European approvals to market a drug called Filgotinib to treat rheumatoidarthritis (4).

In a demonstration of the growth in this industry,this year alone, 30-35 biotechnology companiesare anticipated to go public, raising approximatelyUS$3.5bn (5)

The COVID-19 pandemic may assist in accelerating the growth in biotechnology. Biotechnologycompanies have been at the forefront in seekingvaccines and cures for COVID-19. There arecurrently 11 potential COVID-19 vaccines in clinical evaluation (that is, undergoing testing) and afurther 128 in pre-clinical evaluation (6). Moderna isan example of a major biotechnology companyrunning clinical testing currently. It was the firstcompany to start human trials and anticipatesentering phase 3 trials with 30,000 participants byJuly (7).

The healthcare sector as a whole is likely to seegreater investment as a result of the COVID-19pandemic. For example, national health spendinggrowth in the US is expected to average 5.4%annually through 2028, reaching US$6tr a year (8).Biotechnology will also be a beneficiary of thisincreased investment.

Australian investors tend to have a concentrateddomestic exposure to biotechnology given thedominance of players such as CSL, Cochlear orResMed but may be missing the growth and diversification offered overseas. The US in particular ispositioned as the global centre of biotechnology.

The US biotechnology industry is valued at113.3bn (9), approximately 14x the size of the Australian biotechnology industry (10).

The reason for the US dominance in this field isdue in part to the world-renowned US Food & DrugAdministration (FDA) approval process and alsoto the size of its customer base.

Any companies seeking access to distribute theirproducts in the US market need to submit to FDAevaluation and in turn, many companies havesought to base themselves there for easieraccess to the process and for easier distributionand marketing to US consumers.

Australian investors can consider the US biotechnology industry as a diversification measure,along with exposure to a high growth segmentinternationally.

Biotechnology can be a high-risk industry, withhigh costs for drug development and high chances of failure. The rewards for successful trials canalso be immense.

To put this in perspective, in any given year, 54% ofclinical phase 3 trials typically fail for a range ofreasons (11), with average costs for developing adrug estimated at more than US2.1bn (12). The trialsand approval process can take years, often 10years or more, with less than 12% reachingapproved status with the FDA (13).

Biotech and healthcare companies then deriverevenue from approved products using patents,which last approximately 20 years from the dateof application (but also require maintenance feesand in some cases, can be extended) (14). Thismeans generic, cheaper versions from competitors cannot be sold in this period, allowing a company an effective monopoly over a particular formof treatment in that time. Of course, once thispatent expires, competitors can enter, so companies will continue research, development and testing on a permanent basis in the hope of findingthe next major treatment they can generaterevenue from.

Another source of return for this industry is from ahigh rate of merger and acquisition activity. Smaller and mid-size biotechnology companies areoften targets for larger firms, wanting to expandwith complementary capabilities they might notpreviously have had. Its a mutually beneficial relationship, providing smaller and mid-size companies with the capital they need to finance development and testing.

Mergers and acquisitions for biotechnology wasvalued at US$23bn in 2019 (15). Pre-COVID-19,activity was tipped to step up in activity for 2020,with oncology, cardiovascular/metabolic disease, immunology, infectious disease and centralnervous system disorders anticipated to benefit (16).

Investment and value from biotechnology isexpected to grow in coming years. While the trendalready existed due to continuous tech improvements and the needs of a growing population, theCOVID-19 pandemic has created a new spotlighton this area which may accelerate its growth.

While Australian investors are likely to already beexposed to this growth segment in the concentrated domestic market, they may be missingexposure to the US, which dominates the globalmarket for biotechnology.

There are a range of ways to access the biotechnology industry.Investors could consider direct shares in biotechnology companies or alternatively consider managed funds. Direct shares can be a high-riskapproach due to the high failure rates of drug testing and long periods of development (i.e., longperiods where there may be no or a limited returnon investment). Theres also the element ofchance has the investor picked the winner? Itcould take years to know.

Managed investments, be it an actively managedfund or passive options like ETFs, can assist inmanaging the risks by spreading it across a largernumber of companies. Investors could choose toinvest by taking a sector approach and investingin a fund focusing on broader healthcare, or lookat industry-specific options focusing on biotechnology. ETFS S&P Biotech ETF (ASX:CURE)is one such example that offers broad exposure toUS biotechnology.

ETFS S&P Biotech ETF (ASX:CURE),offers investors exposure to US biotechnology companies engaged in research, development, manufacturing and/or marketing of products based on genetic analysis and genetic engineering.

For more information on investing in biotechnology please hit the 'CONTACT' button below.


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Investing in the vaccines of tomorrow: the case for biotechnology - Livewire Markets


Why Dynavax, Novavax, and Vir Biotechnology Stocks Jumped Today – The Motley Fool

Saturday, June 27th, 2020

What happened

The stocks of several biotechs focused on developing treatments and vaccines for COVID-19 jumped on Wednesday. Shares of Dynavax Technologies (NASDAQ:DVAX) were up 4% as of 3:13 p.m. EDT today after rising as much as 10.1% earlier in the day. Novavax (NASDAQ:NVAX) was up 13.4%, and shares of Vir Biotechnology (NASDAQ:VIR) were soaring 16.8% higher.

None of these companies reported news today. But the overall stock market fell on concerns about the increased number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. This bad news translated to good news for Dynavax, Novavax, and Vir as investors scooped up shares of the key players in the fight against the coronavirus.

Image source: Getty Images.

Buying coronavirus-focused biotech stocks just because the pandemic appears to be worsening isn't a great idea without assessing the overall prospects for each individual stock. The dynamics are quite different for Dynavax, Novavax, and Vir.

Dynavax is the only one of the three to already have an approved product of any kind on the market. Its hepatitis B vaccine Heplisav-B generated $10.5 million in sales in the first quarter. The CpG 1018 adjuvant used in Heplisav-B is also being used in four COVID-19 vaccines, including ones developed by Chinese drugmakers Clover Biopharmaceuticals and Sinovac Biotech.

Novavax appears to be on track to win its first Food and Drug Administration approval, though. The company reported positive results in March from a late-stage study of flu vaccine NanoFlu. The vaccine could potentially generate peak sales in the ballpark of $1.7 billion if approved, according to one analyst's estimate. Novavax also has a promising COVID-19 vaccine in development that's in a phase 1/2 clinical trial.

Meanwhile, Vir Biotechnology has three clinical programs. The company thinks that its lead candidate, VIR-2218, which is being developed in collaboration with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, holds the potential to be a functional cure for hepatitis B in combination with other therapies. Vir is also evaluating three COVID-19 therapies in pre-clinical testing.

Higher numbers of COVID-19 cases don't necessarily translate to greater prospects for any of these companies. But headlines about the pandemic definitely drive higher interest in their stocks.

The main thing to watch with each of these biotechs is their pipeline progress. For Dynavax, investors will also want to keep their eyes on sales of Heplisav-B in the coming quarters. Novavax expects to report initial results from its COVID-19 vaccine study in July. Vir plans to advance its VIR-7831 and VIR-7832 antibody therapies for COVID-19 directly into phase 2 testing this summer pending FDA review.

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Why Dynavax, Novavax, and Vir Biotechnology Stocks Jumped Today - The Motley Fool


GAT-B 2020 and BET 2020 postponed, new dates to be announced soon – Careers360

Saturday, June 27th, 2020

NEW DELHI: Keeping in view the Covid-19 situation, Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad has postponed the Graduate Aptitude Test 2020 which was scheduled for June 30.

The Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology has also postponed the Biotechnology Eligibility Test 2020 which was also scheduled on June 30.

The new dates of the GAT-B 2020 and BET-2020 exam will be announced soon. The admit card of GAT-B 2020 was released on June 25. However, the admit card link has been removed now. The admit card of GAT-B 2020 will be released again.

The All India level entrance examination of GAT-B 2020 is conducted for admission to DBT- supported postgraduate programmes in all the participating institutions.

Biotechnology Eligibility Test is conducted to award the DBT-Junior Research Fellowship for pursuing research in biotechnology and life sciences.

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GAT-B 2020 and BET 2020 postponed, new dates to be announced soon - Careers360


Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market 2019 | How The Industry Will Witness Substantial Growth In The Upcoming Years | Exclusive…

Saturday, June 27th, 2020

Expanding number of life science and research-based associations worldwide has accounted high number of innovative work exercises, this has added to the developing interest for catalysts and reagents. Increasing utilization of these proteins and reagents in biotechnology and pharmaceutical organizations and scholarly foundations have brought about an expansion sought after for better than ever items, which will additionally add to this current markets development. Additionally, government activities in biotechnology industry will support the request from this market, subsequently this will add to the development sought after for atomic science catalysts, units and reagents. Some of the real driving variables for the development of this market incorporate expanding innovative work exercises in biotechnology research and medication disclosure, rising number of uses for these proteins and reagents and expanding interest for as good as ever chemicals and reagents.

The Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market is expected to exceed more than US$ 17.0 Billion by 2024 at a CAGR of 17% in given forecast period.

Browse Full Report: https://www.marketresearchengine.com/molecular-biology-enzymes-and-kits-and-reagents-market

The report covers detailed competitive outlook including the market share and company profiles of the key participants operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include Inc. (U.S.), Merck KGaA (Germany), New England Bio labs, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (U.S.), Promega Corporation (U.S.), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), Agilent Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), Illumina, Inc. (U.S.), QIAGEN N.V. (Netherlands), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Switzerland), and Takara Bio, Inc. (Japan).Company profile includes assign such as company summary, financial summary, business strategy and planning, SWOT analysis and current developments.

The global molecular biology enzymes and kits & reagents market is segmented on the basis of key regions, namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Furthermore, each region is segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries. The report includes a detailed study of the global and regional molecular biology enzymes and kits & reagents market and analyzes the variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions.

The scope of the report includes a detailed study of global and regional markets onMolecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Marketwith the reasons given for variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions.

The restraining factors of Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market are as follows:

The major driving factors of Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market are as follows:

The Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market has been segmented as below: (Accordingly)

The Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market is Segmented on the lines of Application Analysis, Product Analysis, End User Analysis and Regional Analysis. By Application Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of PCR, Sequencing, Cloning, Epigenetics, Restriction Digestion, Synthetic Biology and Other Applications. By Product Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of Kits & Reagents and Enzymes its covers Polymerases, Ligases, Restriction Endo nucleases, Reverse Transcriptases, Phosphatases, Proteases and Proteinases & Other Enzymes.

By End User Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of Academic & Research Institutes sector, Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers sector, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology companies sector and Other End Users sector. By Regional Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World.

This report provides:

1) An overview of the global market for Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market and related technologies.2) Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2015, estimates for 2016 and 2017, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2024.3) Identifications of new market opportunities and targeted promotional plans for Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market.4) Discussion of research and development, and the demand for new products and new applications.5) Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the industry.

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Table of Contents


2 Molecular Biology Kits Market: Research Methodology

3 Molecular Biology Kits Market: Executive Summary

3.1 Introduction3.2 Current Scenario3.3 Future Outlook3.4 Conclusion

4 Premium Insights

5 Molecular Biology Kits Market: Market Overview

6 Industry Insights

7 Global Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market, By Product

8 Global Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market, By Application

9 Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market, By End User

10 Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market, By Region

11 Competitive Landscape

12 Company Profiles

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

12.3 Merck KGAA

12.4 Promega Corporation

12.5 New England Bio labs, Inc.

12.6 Illumina, Inc.

12.7 Takara Bio Inc.

12.8 Qiagen N.V.

12.9 Agilent Technologies, Inc.

12.10 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd

12.11 Becton, Dickinson and Company

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Company Name: Market Research Engine

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Molecular Biology Enzymes and Kits & Reagents Market 2019 | How The Industry Will Witness Substantial Growth In The Upcoming Years | Exclusive...


Cell Sorter Market 2020 Report Forecasts the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Business and future opportunity | Beckman Coulter, Bio-Rad Laboratories,…

Saturday, June 27th, 2020

Current Trend 2020: Latest Analysis on Cell Sorter Market

Toronto, Canada: The report involves insightful data on the main sectors of theGlobal Cell Sorter Market. The report has segmented market, by its types and applications. Each segment has analyzed completely on the basis of its production, consumption as well as revenue. Further, it is classified on the basis of geographical areas which include: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa.

SDMR Research has recently published a report, titled COVID-19 Impact on Global Cell Sorter Market Insights, Forecast to 2025. The market research report is a brilliant, complete, and much-needed resource for Cell Sorter . The research report speak about the potential development openings that exist in the worldwide market. The report is broken down on the basis of research procedures procured from historical and forecast information. The global Cell Sorter market is relied upon to develop generously and flourish as far as volume and incentive during the gauge time frame. The report will give a knowledge about the development openings and controls that will build the market. Pursuers can increase important perception about the eventual fate of the market.

Key companies that are operating in the global Cell Sorter market are: Beckman CoulterBio-Rad LaboratoriesSony BiotechnologyMiltenyi BiotecAffymetrixSysmex PartecOn-Chip BiotechnologiesCytonomeBecton DickinsonUnion Biometrica

Get Free PDF Sample Copy of this Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart)

The study is a source of reliable data on:

NOTE: Our team is studying Covid-19 impact analysis on various industry verticals and Country Level impact for a better analysis of markets and industries. The 2020 latest edition of this report is entitled to provide additional commentary on latest scenario, economic slowdown and COVID-19 impact on overall industry. Further it will also provide qualitative information about when industry could come back on track and what possible measures industry players are taking to deal with current situation.

Segmental Analysis:

The report incorporates significant sections, for example, type and end user and a variety of segments that decide the prospects of the market. Each type provide data with respect to the business esteem during the conjecture time frame. The application area likewise gives information by volume and consumption during the estimate time frame. The comprehension of this segment direct the readers in perceiving the significance of variables that shape the market development.

Global Cell Sorter Market Segment By Type:

Cell SortersCell Sorting Reagents & ConsumablesCell Sorting Services

Global Cell Sorter Market Segment By Application:Research ApplicationClinical Applications

Competitive Landscape:

The report incorporates various key players and producers working in the local and worldwide market. This segment shows the procedures received by players in the market to remain ahead in the challenge. New patterns and its reception by players assist readers with understanding the elements of the business and how it very well may be utilized to their own benefit. The readers can likewise recognize the strides of players to comprehend the global market better.

Key questions answered in the report:

What is the growth potential of the Cell Sorter market?

Which product segment will grab a lions share?

Which regional market will emerge as a frontrunner in the coming years?

Which application segment will grow at a robust rate?

What are the growth opportunities that may emerge in the Cell Sorter industry in the years to come?

What are the key challenges that the global Cell Sorter market may face in the future?

Which are the leading companies in the global Cell Sorter market?

Which are the key trends positively impacting the market growth?

Which are the growth strategies considered by the players to sustain hold in the global Cell Sorter market?

Grab Best Discount on Cell Sorter Market Research Report [Single User | Multi User | Corporate Users] @ https://www.supplydemandmarketresearch.com/home/contact/1288380?ref=Discount&toccode=SDMRLI1288380


Report Overview: It includes major players of the global Cell Sorter market covered in the research study, research scope, market segments by type, market segments by application, years considered for the research study, and objectives of the report.

Global Growth Trends: This section focuses on industry trends where market drivers and top market trends are shed light upon. It also provides growth rates of key producers operating in the global Cell Sorter market. Furthermore, it offers production and capacity analysis where marketing pricing trends, capacity, production, and production value of the global Cell Sorter market are discussed.

Market Share by Manufacturers/Keyplayers : Here, the report provides details about revenue by manufacturers, production and capacity by manufacturers, price by manufacturers, expansion plans, mergers and acquisitions, and products, market entry dates, distribution, and market areas of key manufacturers.

Market Size by Type: This section concentrates on product type segments where production value market share, price, and production market share by product type are discussed.

Market Size by Application: Besides an overview of the global Cell Sorter market by application, it gives a study on the consumption in the global Cell Sorter market by application.

Production by Region: Here, the production value growth rate, production growth rate, import and export, and key players of each regional market are provided.

Consumption by Region: This section provides information on the consumption in each regional market studied in the report. The consumption is discussed on the basis of country, application, and product type.

Company Profiles: Almost all leading players of the global Cell Sorter market are profiled in this section. The analysts have provided information about their recent developments in the global Cell Sorter market, products, revenue, production, business, and company.

Market Forecast by Production: The production and production value forecasts included in this section are for the global Cell Sorter market as well as for key regional markets.

Market Forecast by Consumption: The consumption and consumption value forecasts included in this section are for the global Cell Sorter market as well as for key regional markets.

Value Chain and Sales Analysis: It deeply analyzes customers, distributors, sales channels, and value chain of the global Cell Sorter market.

Key Findings: This section gives a quick look at the important findings of the research study.

Contact Us: Nimesh H302-20 Misssisauga, Valley, Missisauga,L5A 3S1, Toronto, Canada Phone Number: +1-276-477-5910Email- [emailprotected]

For More Information Kindly Contact: We have a strong network of high powered and experienced global consultants who have about 10+ years of experience in the specific industry to deliver quality research and analysis. Having such an experienced network, our services not only cater to the client who wants the basic reference of market numbers and related high growth areas in the demand side, but also we provide detailed and granular information using which the client can definitely plan the strategies with respect to both supply and demand side.

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Cell Sorter Market 2020 Report Forecasts the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Business and future opportunity | Beckman Coulter, Bio-Rad Laboratories,...


Preparative And Process Chromatography Market Overview on Future Threats the COVID-19 – Cole of Duty

Saturday, June 27th, 2020

Global Preparative and Process Chromatography Market was valued US$6.27 Billion in 2018 and is expected to reach US$9.70 Billion by 2026 at a CAGR of about 5.61% during a forecast year.

The global preparative and process chromatography report is segmented into four different categories such as product type, application, end-user, and region. Based on product type, the global preparative and process chromatography categorised into chromatography instruments, accessories, and others. Depending upon second category the global preparative and process chromatography market is further segmented into its application areas such as clinical diagnostics, environmental testing, food & beverage analysis, forensic tests, life sciences, and others. The third category of global preparative and process chromatography is end users such as agriculture and food industries, hospital and research laboratories, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and others. Based on region, global preparative and process chromatography market is classified into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America.

Request For Report sample @ https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/sample/10692

The global preparative and process chromatography market is highly driven by increasing demand for insulin and other biopharmaceutical products purification, technological advancements. Emerging countries such as India, China, and Brazil providing opportunities for the players, which are in the preparative and process chromatography market. Though, the huge expense of instrument and substitute techniques for purification and separation of pharmaceutical products are the main restraining issues for this market.

The global preparative and process chromatography market is divided into product such as chromatography instruments, accessories, and others. The process chromatography leads the market due increasing in production of monoclonal antibodies and insulin in biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.In application, global preparative and process chromatography is divided in clinical diagnostics, environmental testing, food & beverage analysis, forensic tests, life sciences, and others. Among these, clinical and food & beverages is the fastest growing market due increasing the global human population.

Based on end-users, such as agriculture and food industries, hospital and research laboratories, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and others. Biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries account for the principal share of the global market in 2018, due to increasing research activities by pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies and increasing research and development programme for production of monoclonal antibodies and insulin.

Asia Pacific is expected to register the highest growth rate during the forecast year. The growth in this market is mainly driven by the growing demand for preparative and process chromatography techniques in life sciences, biotechnology, and food & beverage areas and the geographic expansion of key chromatography players in this market.

Some of the key players in global preparative and process chromatography market are: GE Healthcare, Merck KGaA, Danaher Corporation, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Agilent Technologies, Novasep Holding S.A.S, Waters Corporation, Daicel Corporation, and Shimadzu Corporation.Scope of Global Preparative and Process Chromatography Market:Global Preparative and Process Chromatography Market, By Product:Process Chromatographyo Solid Supports and Reagentso Resinso Columnso Systemo ServicesPreparative Chromatographyo Solid Supports and Reagentso Resinso Columnso Systemso ServicesGlobal Preparative and Process Chromatography Market, By End user:Agriculture and food industriesHospital and research laboratoriesBiotechnology and pharmaceutical industriesOthersGlobal Preparative and Process Chromatography Market, By Application:Clinical diagnosticsEnvironmental testingFood & beverage analysisForensic testsLife sciencesOthersGlobal Preparative and Process Chromatography Market, By Region:North AmericaEuropeAsia PacificMiddle East & AfricaSouth AmericaKey Players Operating In Global Preparative and Process Chromatography Market:GE HealthcareMerck KGaADanaher CorporationBio-Rad LaboratoriesThermo Fisher ScientificAgilent TechnologiesNovasep Holding S.A.SWaters CorporationDaicel CorporationShimadzu CorporationPall CorporationChiral Technologies, Inc.AgilentAPIXBrukerBuck ScientificCDS AnalyticalFalcon AnalyticalGenTechParker BalstonQuadrexSRI InstrumentsTeledyne TekmarTorionZoex

More Info of Impact Covid19 @ https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/covid-19-analysis/10692

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Preparative And Process Chromatography Market Overview on Future Threats the COVID-19 - Cole of Duty


African farmers yearn for biotechnology in the face of climate change – Alliance for Science

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Southern Africa is on the receiving end of the devastating impact of climate change, driving millions into hunger.

A record 45 million people mostly women and children in the 16-nation Southern African Development Community are gravely food insecure following repeated drought, widespread flooding and economic disarray, according to the WFP.

Countries like Zambia have been the hardest hit, with 2.3 million people affected as a result of the drought experienced during the 2018/19 growing season. Recently, some parts of the country experienced extensive flooding, which submerged agricultural land.

The magnitude of the problem in this part of the world has reached unprecedented levels, creating a threat to peace, security and stability. At the centre of this catastrophe are the small-scale farmers.

Small-scale farmers in this part of the world are critical because they grow food for household consumption, as well generate income for their local communities.

It is against this backdrop that agricultural biotechnology is gaining support from researchers and small-scale farmers who are struggling to recover from floods and droughts. The most significant advantages of genetically modified (GM) crops to small-scale farmers include environmental protection,boosting food production andsustaining rural livelihoods.

In a telephone interview, Sunday Chileya, a smal-lscale farmer based in the northern part of Zambia, expressed worry over food security as a result of the floods that have wiped out his entire field.

I dont know how I am going to feed my family because everything that I planted has gone, Chileya said.

Chileya, who has some basic knowledge of agricultural biotechnology, said the adoption of the technology was the only solution, owing to recurring floods and droughts that have led to crop failure.

I have an idea of what agricultural biotechnology is and the benefits, so why not promote it to help farmers like me? he asked.

Chileya pointed out that there is need to promote the adoption of the technology if small-scale farmers like him are to continue surviving

The climate keeps changing and so should our ways of farming so that we can survive the effects of climate change, Chileya said.

Experts such as Dr. Kalaluka Munyinda, a University of Zambia (UNZA) lecturer and researcher, say agricultural biotechnology is a significant technology that will help small-scale farmers who have been adversely affected by climate change.

Agricultural biotechnology is safe, he said. We are now experiencing extreme events when it comes to the weather and we can use this technology to develop crop varieties that will withstand any weather pattern.

In order to adapt to and mitigate the devastating impact of climate change, there is a need to encourage the use of agricultural biotechnology, Munyinda said.

We are now experiencing situations where pests and diseases are appearing whether its warm or cold and they are spreading rapidly, Munyinda said.

He emphasized that agricultural biotechnology has significant advantages, contrary to the fears that have been created around the technology.

You see as result of using this technology the use of pesticides harmful to our environment is reduced, Munyinda said, noting that other biotech crops will reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers that contribute to a rise in greenhouse gases.

He reiterated that small-scale farmers are on the receiving hand of climate change.

Small-scale farmers feed us, he said, adding that 90 percent of the maize we consume is grown by small-scale farmers. So if they get affected we wont eat.

He said the Department of Crop Science at the University of Zambia has been working on maize, finger millet, cowpea and beans using biotechnology and he is hopeful that these will benefit small-scale farmers.

Benedict Tembo, an environmental reporter and editor at the Zambia Daily Mail, said agricultural biotechnology has benefits, contrary to the conspiracies peddled by certain groups with unknown agendas.

Fears that agricultural biotechnology is harmful are totally unfounded, he said. Right now, our region is facing the brunt of climate change and there is need to utilize technology that will help our farmers.

Tembo pointed out that Zambia and some other African countries are missing out on an opportunity to introduce pest-resistant Bt cotton, for example, to fight the pests and diseases that are prevalent in Zambia and other countries across the continent.

Agricultural biotechnology increases productivity, which means small-scale farmers will be able to take care of their families and strengthen their financial capacity, he said.

Tembocalled on journalists, who are on the frontlines in disseminating information to people, to report accurately on the benefits of agricultural biotechnology.

An enlightened journalist is an asset to society, which looks up to him/her for the provision of quality, accurate and timely information on the demystification of myths around biotechnology, he said.

Image: Shutterstock

Read the rest here:
African farmers yearn for biotechnology in the face of climate change - Alliance for Science


Agricultural Biotechnology Market Analysis and In-depth Research on Forecast 2018-2025 – 3rd Watch News

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Global Agricultural Biotechnology Market Research Report 20182025 is a historical overview and in-depth study on the current & future market of the Agricultural Biotechnology industry. The report represents a basic overview of the market status, competitor segment with a basic introduction of key vendors, top regions, product types and end industries. This report gives a historical overview of the market trends, growth, revenue, capacity, cost structure, and key drivers analysis.

The report is an exhaustive analysis of this market across the world. It offers an overview of the market including its definition, applications, key drivers, key market players, key segments, and manufacturing technology. In addition, the study presents statistical data on the status of the market and hence is a valuable source of guidance for companies and individuals interested in the industry. Additionally, detailed insights on the company profile, product specifications, capacity, production value, and market shares for key vendors are presented in the report.

Request a sample of this premium research: https://www.bigmarketresearch.com/request-sample/2843408?utm_source=SHASHI&utm_medium=3WN

The total market is further segmented based on company, country, and application/type for competitive landscape analysis. On the contrary, information on industry chain structure, emerging applications, and technological developments in the market makes the report a must-read document.

The report reveals detailed information about the global key players as well as some small players of the Agricultural Biotechnology sector.

Target Audience of the Global Agricultural Biotechnology Market in Market Study:Key Consulting Companies & AdvisorsLarge, medium-sized, and small enterprisesVenture capitalistsValue-Added Resellers (VARs)Third-party knowledge providersInvestment bankersInvestors

These insights help determine the strength of competition and take the necessary steps to obtain a leading position in the Agricultural Biotechnology industry.

Additionally, the research provides a detailed analysis of the key segments of the market with the help of charts and tables. An overview of each market segment such as type, application, and region are also provided in the report. These insights help in understanding the global trends in the Agricultural Biotechnology industry and form strategies to be implemented in the future.

The regional analysis of global Agricultural Biotechnology market is considered for the key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Rest of the World. North America is the leading/significant region across the world in terms of market share owing to the high disposable income coupled with rising trend of interior designing in the region. Whereas, Asia-Pacific is also anticipated to exhibit highest growth rate / CAGR over the forecast period 20182025

Our analysis involves the study of the market taking into consideration the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please get in touch with us to get your hands on exhaustive coverage of the impact of the current situation on the market. Our expert team of analysts will provide as per report customized to your requirement. For more connect with us at [emailprotected] or call toll free: +1-800-910-6452

Request a discount on standard prices of this premium research: https://www.bigmarketresearch.com/request-for-discount/2843408?utm_source=SHASHI&utm_medium=3WN

Key Market Segments

The key players profiled in this report includeBayer AG, Dowdupont Inc., Syngenta AG, BASF SE, Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd., Certis USA LLC, Evogene Ltd., KWS SAAT SE, Monsanto Company, Vilmorin & CIE, and so on.

The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions and countries involved in the study.

Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, the report shall also incorporate available opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players.

The study clearly reveals that the Agricultural Biotechnology industry has attained remarkable growth since 20182025. This research report is prepared based on an in-depth analysis of the market by experts. As a final point, stakeholders, investors, product managers, marketing executives, and other professionals seeking unbiased data on supply, demand, and future forecasts would find the report valuable.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Global Agricultural Biotechnology Market Definition and ScopeChapter 2. Research MethodologyChapter 3. Executive SummaryChapter 4. Global Agricultural Biotechnology Market DynamicsChapter 5. Agricultural Biotechnology Market, by ComponentChapter 6. Global Agricultural Biotechnology Market, by ServicesChapter 7. Global Agricultural Biotechnology Market, by Organization SizeChapter 8. Agricultural Biotechnology Market, by VerticalChapter 9. Agricultural Biotechnology Market, by Regional AnalysisChapter 10. Competitive Intelligence

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Big Market Research has a range of research reports from various publishers across the world. Our database of reports of various market categories and sub-categories would help to find the exact report you may be looking for.

We are instrumental in providing quantitative and qualitative insights on your area of interest by bringing reports from various publishers at one place to save your time and money. A lot of organizations across the world are gaining profits and great benefits from information gained through reports sourced by us.

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Read this article:
Agricultural Biotechnology Market Analysis and In-depth Research on Forecast 2018-2025 - 3rd Watch News


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact on Agricultural Biotechnology Market 2020: Sales, Revenue of Top Companies, Emerging Technology Trends, Future Scope of…

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

"Agricultural Biotechnology Market"

Agricultural Biotechnology Market: Information by Crop Type (Soybean, Maize, Cotton, and others), Application (Herbicide Tolerance, Stacked Traits, Insect Tolerance, and others), Technique (Genetic Engineering, Molecular Breeding, Molecular Diagnostics and Tissue Culture) and Region (Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa) - Global Forecast till 2022

Global agricultural biotechnology market, including growth rate, key domains, segmentation, etc

The international agricultural biotechnology market is speculated to witness growth at CAGR of 10.10% by 2022. It was estimated to be worth USD 27,778.64 Million in 2018. Agricultural biotechnology market is considered as one of the swiftly advancing segments due to growing cultivation of biotechnology-based products. The growing level of investment in research and development is also touted as among the prime reasons behind the significant prospect of the market all throughout. With growing entrepreneurial emphasis, the market is speculated to advance in a much effective fashion.

Get a FREE Sample with Complete TOC By Considering the COVID-19 impact on Global Market @https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/8724

Demand for agricultural biotechnology is witnessing consistent growth. This can be realized through the growing level of cultivation of the biotech crops. Moreover, cultivation has grown all across the globe. In fact, this aspect is speculated to enhance the growth of the international agricultural biotechnology market. It can be seen the level of demand for genetically modified crops has grown in a great way. Especially, the growth has been witnessed in developed parts like Europe.

The international zone for the biotechnology crops was around 190 million hectares, which was 185 million in 2016. In short, the level of cultivation is steadily growing and is expected to remain constant during the forecast period. The amount of land acquired and used for these purposes has grown in all parts, including the US. Above all, more than 70 nations have accepted the biotech crop cultivation. To be specific, India, US, Brazil, Argentina, and Canada are among the leading names in this context.

Agricultural Biotechnology Market Segmentation

International Agricultural Biotechnology Industry can be segmented on the basis of crop Type, Application, And Technique. On the basis of crop type, the global agricultural biotech market can be segmented into soybean, maize, cotton, and others. On the basis of application, the international agricultural biotechnology market is segmented into herbicide tolerance, stacked traits, insect tolerance, and others. In terms of technique, the international agricultural biotechnology is divided into genetic engineering, molecular breeding, molecular diagnostics, and tissue culture. Similarly, the market is segmented on the basis of region as well, is divided into the US, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.

Agricultural Biotechnology Market Regional Analysis

On the basis of region, the international agricultural biotech market is segmented into the US, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. The US is considered the global leader in the agricultural biotechnology industry. A consistent boost in the cultivation of biotech crops is said to be the key reason behind the growth.

Asia-Pacific is among the other, a swiftly growing region in the global market. To be specific, the Indian market is the most prominent in this segment. Japan also shows great prospects. UK and Germany are leading European nations. The most significant among others are the African and Middle East market touted to be the most promising.

Agricultural Biotechnology Market Key Players

The Prominent Players in the GlobalAgricultural Biotechnology MarketareArcadia Biosciences (US)., Thermo Fisher Scientific (US), Bayer AG (Germany), Biocentury Transgene Co., Ltd (China), Vilmorin & Cie (France), Eurofins Scientific (Luxembourg), LGC Biosearch Technologies (US), Corteva Agriscience ( US), Dr. Chip Biotech Inc. (Taiwan), Evogene Ltd (Israel), and Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. (US).

Agricultural Biotechnology Industry news

Cole of Duty publishes reports on the global growth perspective of the agricultural biotechnology market. The report figures out all the crucial aspects associated with the market contributing to the market. It also identifies the key domains where the growth prospect is expected to be the most significant. It thus provides wholesome analysis on each aspect associated with the market.







Obtain Premium Research Report Details, Considering the impact of COVID-19 @https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/agricultural-biotechnology-market-8724

About Market Research Future:

AtMarket Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.

MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.

In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.

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See the rest here:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact on Agricultural Biotechnology Market 2020: Sales, Revenue of Top Companies, Emerging Technology Trends, Future Scope of...


Agriculture Biotechnology Market: Predictable To Witness Sustainable Evolution over 2020-2030 – Cole of Duty

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Prophecy Market Insights Agriculture Biotechnology market research report focuses on the market structure and various factors affecting the growth of the market. The research study encompasses an evaluation of the market, including growth rate, current scenario, and volume inflation prospects, based on DROT and Porters Five Forces analyses. The market study pitches light on the various factors that are projected to impact the overall market dynamics of the Agriculture Biotechnology market over the forecast period (2019-2029).

The data and information required in the market report are taken from various sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the Agriculture Biotechnology report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other clear representations to enhance the visual representation and easy understanding the facts mentioned in the report.

Get Sample Copy of This Report @ https://www.prophecymarketinsights.com/market_insight/Insight/request-sample/2913

The Agriculture Biotechnology research study contains 100+ market data Tables, Pie Chat, Graphs & Figures spread through Pages and easy to understand detailed analysis. The predictions mentioned in the market report have been derived using proven research techniques, assumptions and methodologies. This Agriculture Biotechnology market report states the overview, historical data along with size, share, growth, demand, and revenue of the global industry.

All the key players mentioned in the Agriculture Biotechnology market report are elaborated thoroughly based on R&D developments, distribution channels, industrial penetration, manufacturing processes, and revenue. Also, the report examines, legal policies, and competitive analysis between the leading and emerging and upcoming market trends.

Agriculture BiotechnologyMarket Key Companies:

Segmentation Overview:

Global agriculture biotechnology market by type:

Global agriculture biotechnology market by application:

Global agriculture biotechnology market by region:

Apart from key players analysis provoking business-related decisions that are usually backed by prevalent market conditions, we also do substantial analysis on market segmentation. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the Agriculture Biotechnology market segments. It highlights the latest trending segment and major innovations in the market. In addition to this, it states the impact of these segments on the growth of the market.

Request [emailprotected] https://www.prophecymarketinsights.com/market_insight/Insight/request-discount/2913

Regional Overview:

The survey report includes a vast investigation of the geographical scene of the Agriculture Biotechnology market, which is manifestly arranged into the localities. The report provides an analysis of regional market players operating in the specific market and outcomes related to the target market for more than 20 countries.

Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific

Key Questions Answered in Report:

Stakeholders Benefit:

About us:

Prophecy Market Insights is specialized market research, analytics, marketing/business strategy, and solutions that offers strategic and tactical support to clients for making well-informed business decisions and to identify and achieve high-value opportunities in the target business area. We also help our clients to address business challenges and provide the best possible solutions to overcome them and transform their business.

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Agriculture Biotechnology Market: Predictable To Witness Sustainable Evolution over 2020-2030 - Cole of Duty


Assistant Professor in Biotechnology job with DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY | 210110 – Times Higher Education (THE)

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

School of Biotechnology

Dublin City University

Dublin City University http://www.dcu.ie is a research-intensive, globally-engaged, dynamic institution that is distinguished both by the quality and impact of its graduates and by its focus on the translation of knowledge into societal and economic benefit. Through its mission to transform lives and societies through education, research and innovation, DCU acts as an agent of social, cultural and economic progress. DCU is Irelands fastest growing university, and now hosts more than 17,000 students across its three academic campuses: DCU Glasnevin Campus, DCU St Patricks Campus and DCU All Hallows campus.

School of Biotechnology

The School of Biotechnology is the academic unit leading life science and biotechnology education and research within the Faculty of Science & Health at Dublin City University (DCU). The school delivers both undergraduate B.Sc and taught M.Sc. postgraduate degree programmes in addition to the education and training of research M.Sc. and Ph.D students under its structured Ph.D programme BioTranslate. It is an active centre of basic, applied and multi-disciplinary research, supporting a defined cluster of intersecting research themes which link closely with the Schools teaching programmes. The School and associated research centres (including the National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology (NICB nicb.ie) and the Water Institute (dcuwater.ie)) offer core facilities and technical support in the areas of Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Cell Characterisation, Proteomics, Bioprocessing, Sensor, Analytical Separations and membrane technology. Research projects fall into the general categories of Life Science or Industry-associated with activity in the domains of Health/Ageing/Disease, Biodesign, Environmental Science and Precision Health. They bring together a critical mass of multidisciplinary researchers that are strategically positioned to pursue national and international opportunities for research and innovation. The excellence of the schools research is reflected by funding success from many national and international sources (including direct funds from industry) and the quality of its published and other outputs.

Role Profile

The School is seeking to recruit an Assistant Professor in Biotechnology. The post holder will be expected to contribute to teaching, curriculum development, research, and administrative activities in the School, across all levels. The post holder will also be expected to contribute directly to degree programmes through research-led teaching, student mentoring and supervision of student projects.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of this post falls within DCUs Academic Development and Promotions Framework and the principles of the Schools Academic Workload Model with activity across the domains of teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and service and contribution. They are in line with DCUs strategic plan Talent, Discovery and Transformation: 2017-2022.

Teaching and Learning

This post will support the delivery of the Education mission of the University; specifically the delivery of the Schools two core undergraduate programmes, namely the B.Sc in Biotechnology and B.Sc in Genetics & Cell Biology and its substantial contribution to the B.Sc in Analytical Science and B.Sc. in Environmental Science & Technology, in addition to its two taught Masters programmes: M.Sc in Bioprocess Engineering and M.Sc in Diagnostics & Precision Medicine plus our service teaching to support other degree programmes. The School is committed to a flexible mode of module delivery across all of its programmes and the successful candidate(s) will be expected to develop on-line components to their assigned teaching modules. Teaching duties also include the design, supervision and delivery of undergraduate/postgraduate student projects.

Research and Scholarship

In addition to a demonstrable teaching ability, the post holder will be expected to have an independent research profile and the ability to secure grant awards from national/international agencies and/or industry to fund their research activities which would include the recruitment of both postgraduate students and postdoctoral research fellows; contribute to existing School/Centre and DCU-wide research initiatives and expand their network within DCU, nationally and internationally.

Service and Contribution to University

The post holder will be required to undertake administrative roles related to the activities of the School of Biotechnology and the Faculty of Science & Health as assigned by the Head of School. These roles may include but are not limited to the following: Programme Chair; School Executive member; Convenor roles (teaching, research or international), Faculty Management board, Marketing, Safety Committee, Open Days, Conference organisation, Work Placement Tutoring. Participation in courses provided by the University designed to develop skills in such areas as teaching, management and safety will also be expected.

Candidate Requirements

Mandatory Training

The post holder will be required to undertake the following mandatory compliance training: GDPR, Orientation, and Compliance.

Follow this link:
Assistant Professor in Biotechnology job with DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY | 210110 - Times Higher Education (THE)


How Gene Therapy Market: Impact Of COVID-19 On Biotechnology Industry Sangamo Therapeutics, Vineti, Solid Biosciences – Medic Insider

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Latest market study on Global Gene Therapy Market Forecast to 2027 Covid-19 Impact and Global Analysis By Cell Type (Somatic Gene Therapy, Germline Gene Therapy); By Application (Genetic Disorder, Cancer, Neurological Disorder, and Others).The research report provides deep insights into the global market revenue, parent market trends, macro-economic indicators, and governing factors, along with market attractiveness per market segment. The report provides an overview of the growth rate of the Gene Therapy market during the forecast period, i.e., 20202027. Most importantly, the report further identifies the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies. The research segments the market on the basis of product type, application, technology, and region. To offer more clarity regarding the industry, the report takes a closer look at the current status of various factors including but not limited to supply chain management, niche markets, distribution channel, trade, supply, and demand and production capability across different countries.

Request Sample Copy of Gene Therapy Market at:https://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPHE100001165/

Gene therapy is the introduction of DNA into a patient to treat a genetic disease or a disorder. The newly inserted DNA contains a correcting gene to correct the effects of a disease, causing mutations. Gene therapy is a promising treatment for genetic diseases and also includes cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. Gene therapy is a suitable treatment for infectious diseases, inherited disease and cancer.

The growth of the gene therapy market is regulated due to various reason which includes the rapid involvement of synthetically modified gene to treat various diseases, it helps in designing the personalized medicine, rise in the research and development of the gene therapy among the others. The gene therapy requires less doses of medicines and is one time treatment, this factor is likely to show growth opportunity for gene therapy market in coming near future.

Some of the key players profiled in the study areSangamo Therapeutics, Inc., bluebird bio, Inc., uniQure N.V., AveXis, Inc., Vineti, Solid Biosciences., Spark Therapeutics, Inc., CHIMERON BIO, RENOVA THERAPEUTICS, HORAMA S.A., etc.

The research provides answers to the following key questions:

The Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is impacting society and the overall economy across the world. The impact of this pandemic is growing day by day as well as affecting the supply chain. The COVID-19 crisis is creating uncertainty in the stock market, massive slowing of supply chain, falling business confidence, and increasing panic among the customer segments. The overall effect of the pandemic is impacting the production process of several industries including Medical Device, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and many more. Trade barriers are further restraining the demand- supply outlook. As government of different regions have already announced total lockdown and temporarily shutdown of industries, the overall production process being adversely affected; thus, hinder the overall Gene Therapy Market globally. This report on Gene Therapy Market provides the analysis on impact on Covid-19 on various business segments and country markets. The report also showcase market trends and forecast to 2027, factoring the impact of Covid -19 Situation.

The report profiles the key players in the industry, along with a detailed analysis of their individual positions against the global landscape. The study conducts SWOT analysis to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the key players in the Gene Therapy market. The researcher provides an extensive analysis of the Gene Therapy market size, share, trends, overall earnings, gross revenue, and profit margin to accurately draw a forecast and provide expert insights to investors to keep them updated with the trends in the market.

Competitive scenario:

The study assesses factors such as segmentation, description, and applications of Gene Therapy industries. It derives accurate insights to give a holistic view of the dynamic features of the business, including shares, profit generation, thereby directing focus on the critical aspects of the business.

Scope of the Report

The research on the Gene Therapy market focuses on mining out valuable data on investment pockets, growth opportunities, and major market vendors to help clients understand their competitors methodologies. The research also segments the Gene Therapy market on the basis of end user, product type, application, and demography for the forecast period 20212027. Comprehensive analysis of critical aspects such as impacting factors and competitive landscape are showcased with the help of vital resources, such as charts, tables, and infographics.

Gene Therapy Market Segmented by Region/Country: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Central & South America

Major highlights of the report:

All-inclusive evaluation of the parent market

Evolution of significant market aspects

Industry-wide investigation of market segments

Assessment of market value and volume in past, present, and forecast years

Evaluation of market share

Study of niche industrial sectors

Tactical approaches of market leaders

Lucrative strategies to help companies strengthen their position in the market

Interested in purchasing this Report? Click here @https://www.theinsightpartners.com/buy/TIPHE100001165/

Thanks for reading this article; you can also customize this report to get select chapters or region-wise coverage with regions such as Asia, North America, and Europe.

About Us:

The Insight Partnersis a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are committed to provide highest quality research and consulting services to our customers. We help our clients understand the key market trends, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions with our market research offerings at an affordable cost.

We understand syndicated reports may not meet precise research requirements of all our clients. We offer our clients multiple ways to customize research as per their specific needs and budget

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See the original post here:
How Gene Therapy Market: Impact Of COVID-19 On Biotechnology Industry Sangamo Therapeutics, Vineti, Solid Biosciences - Medic Insider


Where Does Novavax, Inc. (NVAX) Stock Fall in the Biotechnology Field? – InvestorsObserver

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

The 60 rating InvestorsObserver gives to Novavax, Inc. (NVAX) stock puts it near the middle of the Biotechnology industry. In addition to scoring higher than 54 percent of stocks in the Biotechnology industry, NVAXs 60 overall rating means the stock scores better than 60 percent of all stocks.

Searching for the best stocks to invest in can be difficult. There are thousands of options and it can be confusing on what actually constitutes a great value. Investors Observer allows you to choose from eight unique metrics to view the top industries and the best performing stocks in that industry. A score of 60 would rank higher than 60 percent of all stocks.

These scores are not only easy to understand, but it is easy to compare stocks to each other. You can find the best stock in an industry, or look for the sector that has the highest average score. The overall score is a combination of technical and fundamental factors that serves as a good starting point when analyzing a stock. Traders and investors with different goals may have different goals and will want to consider other factors than just the headline number before making any investment decisions.

Novavax, Inc. (NVAX) stock has risen 8.4% while the S&P 500 is flat 0% as of 9:51 AM on Friday, Jun 19. NVAX is higher by $4.98 from the previous closing price of $59.27 on volume of 1,092,981 shares. Over the past year the S&P 500 has risen 5.46% while NVAX is higher by 1100.93%. NVAX lost -$4.14 per share the over the last 12 months.

To see the top 5 stocks in Biotechnology click here.

The rest is here:
Where Does Novavax, Inc. (NVAX) Stock Fall in the Biotechnology Field? - InvestorsObserver


Is Sarepta Therapeutics Inc (SRPT) Stock Near the Top of the Biotechnology Industry? – InvestorsObserver

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

A rating of 64 puts Sarepta Therapeutics Inc (SRPT) near the middle of the Biotechnology industry according to InvestorsObserver. Sarepta Therapeutics Inc's score of 64 means it scores higher than 64% of stocks in the industry. Sarepta Therapeutics Inc also received an overall rating of 65, putting it above 65% of all stocks. Biotechnology is ranked 11 out of the 148 industries.

Searching for the best stocks to invest in can be difficult. There are thousands of options and it can be confusing on what actually constitutes a great value. Investors Observer allows you to choose from eight unique metrics to view the top industries and the best performing stocks in that industry. A score of 65 would rank higher than 65 percent of all stocks.

Our proprietary scoring system captures technical factors, fundamental analysis and the opinions of analysts on Wall Street. This makes InvestorsObservers overall rating a great way to get started, regardless of your investing style. Percentile-ranked scores are also easy to understand. A score of 100 is the top and a 0 is the bottom. Theres no need to try to remember what is good for a bunch of complicated ratios, just pay attention to which numbers are the highest.

Sarepta Therapeutics Inc (SRPT) stock is trading at $167.62 as of 11:39 AM on Friday, Jun 19, an increase of $2.40, or 1.45% from the previous closing price of $165.22. The stock has traded between $165.74 and $168.85 so far today. Volume today is low. So far 200,391 shares have traded compared to average volume of 1,087,373 shares.

To see the top 5 stocks in Biotechnology click here.

Original post:
Is Sarepta Therapeutics Inc (SRPT) Stock Near the Top of the Biotechnology Industry? - InvestorsObserver


Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring Market To 2027 Top Leading Vendors like Danaher Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck…

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring Market research report delivers a close watch on leading competitors with strategic analysis, micro and macro market trend and scenarios, pricing analysis and a holistic overview of the market situations in the forecast period. It is a professional and a detailed report focusing on primary and secondary drivers, market shares, leading segments and geographical analysis. Further, key players, major collaborations, merger & acquisitions along with trending innovation and business policies are reviewed in the report.

Sample Report with Latest Industry Trends @ https://healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/request_sample.php?id=27562

Top Key Companies Players Analyzed in this Report are: Danaher Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck KGaA, Eurofins Sinensis, Lonza, Biomerieux, VAI, Cosasco, RMONI, Amphenol Advanced Sensors, Vaisala

The report analyzes and forecasts the Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring on a and regional level. Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, expansions, agreements, and others to increase their footprints in this market.

This report highlights the very profitable Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring Market and its diversity. The report provides a detailed analysis of market segmentation, size and share Market dynamics such as growth drivers, constraints, challenges and opportunities; Service providers, investors, stakeholders and key market participants. The report also highlights the threats that the market will face during the forecast period.

Market segment by Type: Monitoring Equipment, Media, Software, Microbiology Services

Market segment by Application: Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotechnology Industry, Academic & Research Institutes

Get Reasonable Discount on this Premium Report @ https://healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/ask_for_discount.php?id=27562

The Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring Market Report aims to provide a 360-degree view of the market for cutting-edge technologies, key developments, drivers, constraints and future trends by analyzing the impact of these trends on short- and medium-term markets.

Following are the List of Chapter Covers in the Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring Market:

Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring Market OverviewGlobal Economic Impact on IndustryGlobal Market Competition by ManufacturersGlobal Market Analysis by ApplicationMarketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersMarket Effect Factors AnalysisGlobal Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring Market Forecast

For More Information: https://healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/enquiry_before_buying.php?id=27562

*Please contact us for any specific customized requirements or changes you want and we will offer you the report as your requirement.

About Us:

HealthCare Intelligence Markets Reports provides market intelligence & consulting services to a global clientele spread over 145 countries. Being a B2B firm, we help businesses to meet the challenges of an ever evolving market with unbridled confidence. We craft customized and syndicated market research reports that help market players to build game changing strategies. Besides, we also provide upcoming trends & future market prospects in our reports pertaining to Drug development, Clinical & healthcare industries. Our intelligence enables our clients to take decisions with which in turn proves a game-changer for them. We constantly strive to serve our clients better by directly allowing them sessions with our research analysts so the report is at par with their expectations.

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See original here:
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Environmental Monitoring Market To 2027 Top Leading Vendors like Danaher Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck...


Blue Biotechnology Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product Types, And Applications Forecast To 2026 – Jewish Life News

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Blue Biotechnology Market Forecast 2020-2026

The Global Blue Biotechnology Market research report provides and in-depth analysis on industry- and economy-wide database for business management that could potentially offer development and profitability for players in this market. This is a latest report, covering the current COVID-19 impact on the market. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally. This has brought along several changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and initial and future assessment of the impact is covered in the report. It offers critical information pertaining to the current and future growth of the market. It focuses on technologies, volume, and materials in, and in-depth analysis of the market. The study has a section dedicated for profiling key companies in the market along with the market shares they hold.

The report consists of trends that are anticipated to impact the growth of the Blue Biotechnology Market during the forecast period between 2020 and 2026. Evaluation of these trends is included in the report, along with their product innovations.

Get a PDF Copy of the Sample Report for free @ https://industrygrowthinsights.com/request-sample/?reportId=136719

The Report Covers the Following Companies:Aker BioMarineMarinovaNew England BiolabsPML ApplicationsSea Run HoldingsPICESDonald Danforth Plant Science CenterShell Marine ProductsGeoMarine BiotechnologiesGlycoMarCellgen BiologicalsNurture Aqua TechnologySamudra BiopharmaSanosil Biotech

By Types:EnzymesPharma ProductsBulk ChemicalsBiopolymers

By Applications:Bio-EngineeringGenomicsVaccine DevelopmentDrug DiscoveryOthers

Furthermore, the report includes growth rate of the global market, consumption tables, facts, figures, and statistics of key segments.

By Regions:

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Years Considered to Estimate the Market Size:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year: 2020-2026

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Blue Biotechnology Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product Types, And Applications Forecast To 2026 - Jewish Life News


Biotechnology – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

1.5 Present and future trends in biotechnology

During the twentieth century humankind has harnessed microorganisms to produce useful biochemical including antibiotics, vitamins, amino acids, flavors and colors, as well as specific proteins (Carlier 2001). Some of these proteins have important medical uses such as insulin, human growth hormone and blood factors like erythropoietin. In fact, manufacturers have developed a series of proven, safe, microbial hosts for use in the production of several enzymes (Warke and Chandratre 2003). Further, enzymes that have not been readily available in adequate quantity can be produced using technology. This in turn has opened up important applications beneficial to humankind. Additionally, modern techniques are leading to the development of tailored enzymes with optimized functional properties specific for their intended use. An example of this is the modification in specific proteases so that they work more efficiently in the alkaline environment of detergent formulations. As a result, less of the modified protease is needed to deliver equivalent cleaning power, while using fewer resources during the manufacturing process.

The microbial cell, a bacterium, yeast, or mold, is the key instrument in many enzyme production processes. To optimize the microbial strains for production of the desired enzyme, the strains genetic properties are often modified either through natural evolution or through classical breeding and selection techniques; these classical techniques have been used for decades to improve microbial production strains. The precise methods of genetic modification have been developed. The methods, sometimes termed genetic engineering, are based on processes occurring in nature - the transfer of genes between different cells.

Scientists to transfer genetic material between cells from the same or different species, microorganisms such as yeasts, molds and bacteria with new or improved properties for industrial applications can be developed. In nature, genetic modification has been occurring since life began. Such genetic changes are generally random, with a natural selection process favoring the changes best adapted for survival. Using this process, animal, plant and microbial breeders have likewise selected individuals within a species with desired characteristics for further propagation.

Using the tools of modern biotechnology, modifications can now be made more precisely and with much less chance of developing unwanted secondary changes that could potentially have undesired effects. In nature and in our production systems, microbes do not express only single enzymes. Rather, each microbial cell has the genetic nature to produce many different enzymes. Frequently, only one of these enzyme activities is needed for a specific application and the side activities are removed or substantially reduced during the recovery process. Often, these side activities are unwanted and may even be detrimental to the final use. Additionally, scientists are now able to discover and/or evolve enzymes that will catalyze pure compounds for applications including textile wet processing such as enzymatic desizing with alpha amylase, bioscouring with pectinase, protease, lipase and cellulase enzymes, binary and mixed enzymatic system, and biopolishing with cellulase enzymes, lipase enzyme for improving hydrophilic nature of polyester fibre both greatly reducing unwanted byproduct production as well as making the target product potentially safer and more effective (Buschie-Diller et al 1994).

Modern biotechnology is one tool that can help meet the challenge this growth poses and also contributed to (a) ecofriendly environment (b) safety and health, (c) reduced water demand in manufacturing processes, (e) reduced industrial waste and (f) aided in pollution remediation. Enzymes produced using modern biotechnology contributes to this effort by assuring the availability of safe, pure enzymes that replace harsh chemical processes (reducing energy consumption and environmental burden). Modern tools of biotechnology, enzymes from nature can be accessed which are sufficiently robust to be useful at extremes of pH and temperature and thus hold great promise for replacing certain chemical processes with much cleaner protein-catalyzed processes (Gubitz and Cavaco-Paulo 2001). Just as exciting, these new enzymes can make the dream of converting waste biomass to useful energy an economic reality. Overall, the use of modern biotechnology for enzyme production can have a major impact on improving the cost and quality of products at the same time working towards sustainability.

Enzymes have applications in many fields, including organic synthesis, clinical analysis, textile processes, and finishing, pharmaceuticals, detergents, food production and fermentation. The application of enzymes to organic synthesis is currently attracting more and more attention. The discovery of new microbial enzymes through extensive and persistent screening will open new, simple routes for synthetic processes and consequently, new ways to solve environmental problems (Calafell et al 2005).

Research on enzyme systems for textile processing and finishing has mainly focused on amylases and cellulases. However, recent biotechnology and genetic engineering advances have opened opportunities for successful applications of other enzyme systems, such as lipases, xylanases, laccases, proteases and pectinases (Emilla Csiszar et al 1998). Today, enzymes can be customized for specific target areas; for example, enzymatic degumming of silk, bioscouring of cotton textiles and antifelting and softening of wool. The basic mechanisms involving enzyme systems and interactions with textile substrates are likely noticed. Using several enzyme systems and application conditions, few researchers are being involved in studying the fibre/enzyme interactions and the compatibility of enzymes in combination (Gisela Buschle-Diller, and S. Haig Zeronian 1998).

Biotechnology offers an increasing potential for the production of goods to meet various human needs. In enzyme technology, a subfield of biotechnology, new processes have been and are being developed to manufacture both bulk and high value added products utilizing enzymes as biocatalysts (Tzanko et al 2002). Enzymes are also used to provide services, as in washing and environmental processes, or for analytical and diagnostic purposes. The driving force in the development of enzyme technology, both in academia and industry, has been and will continue to be:

The development of new and better products, processes and services to meet these needs; and/or

The improvement of processes to produce existing products from new raw materials as biomass.

Enzymes from nature can be accessed which are sufficiently robust to be useful at extremes of pH and temperature and thus hold great promise for replacing certain chemical processes with much cleaner protein-catalyzed processes (Csiszar et al 2001). These new enzymes can make the dream of converting waste biomass to useful energy an economic reality. Overall, the use of modern biotechnology for enzyme production can have a major impact on improving the cost and quality of products at the same time working towards sustainability.

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Biotechnology - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics


RIT Rallies: Biotechnology alumnus helping Bolivia respond to COVID-19 pandemic | College of Science – RIT University News Services

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

An RIT alumnus is helping to lead Bolivias response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mohammed Mostajo-Radji 11 (biotechnology) was appointed as Bolivias first ambassador for science, technology and innovation in February. He is typically based out of Silicon Valley, helping to encourage technology investment in Bolivia and facilitating exchanges between universities, technology companies, startups, and more.

But on March 19 he flew back home at the request of Bolivias interim president, Jeanine ez, to help coordinate his countrys efforts to combat COVID-19s spread. His country faces many challenges in fighting the virus, including one of the worlds worst healthcare systems and a unique geographic predicament.

Our countrys high altitude is by far our biggest challenge right now because most of the ventilators dont work appropriately at this level, said Mostajo-Radji. We have large populations living at altitudes above 13,000 feet and most ventilators are made and tested at sea level. In the current market its already extremely difficult to get a ventilator, but maybe only 30 percent of them actually work here.

But he is uniquely equipped to handle the rigors of the job. While at RIT, Mostajo-Radji developed an interest in science diplomacy, minoring in science, technology and society. For his senior thesis, he conducted experiments using Real-time polymerase chain reaction, the same equipment that is now commonly used to test for COVID-19. As he travels around Bolivia helping to set up testing labs, his experience with the equipment allows him to test a few samples to ensure everything is working properly.

After earning his degree at RIT, he went on to earn his Ph.D. in cellular and molecular biology at Harvard University in 2017 and is currently also a postdoctoral scholar in regeneration medicine at University of California, San Francisco.

Mostajo-Radji said he is proud to serve in this capacity and enjoys the work, but when looking back he is shocked at how quickly everything has escalated.

If you had asked me six months ago if I would have been doing this, I would have laughed, he said.

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RIT Rallies: Biotechnology alumnus helping Bolivia respond to COVID-19 pandemic | College of Science - RIT University News Services


AgeX Therapeutics and ImStem Biotechnology Sign Non-Binding Letter of Intent Regarding Investigational MSC Candidate IMS001 for COVID-19 and Other…

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

ALAMEDA, Calif. & FARMINGTON, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. (AgeX: NYSE American: AGE), a biotechnology company developing therapeutics for human aging and regeneration, and ImStem Biotechnology, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company developing human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hES-MSC), today announced their signing of a non-binding letter of intent for ImStem to obtain from AgeX a non-exclusive license to use AgeXs embryonic stem cell line ESI 053 to derive ImStems investigational MSC product IMS001 for development in COVID-19 as well as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to other causes. AgeX and ImStem are co-operating to finalize financial terms and other provisions of a license agreement.

ImStem has previously used AgeX ESI 053 to derive the ImStem IMS001 product which is being investigated for multiple sclerosis under an IND. Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared IMS001 to begin a Phase 1 clinical study in patients with multiple sclerosis, after a clinical hold on its Investigational New Drug (IND) application was removed. This is believed to be the first MSC product derived from human embryonic stem cells to be accepted for a clinical trial by the FDA. AgeX and ImStem already have a commercial license in place, which grants ImStem rights to use AgeXs ESI 053 to derive IMS001 as a product candidate for development in autoimmune disease, including multiple sclerosis.

To date, in patients with pneumonia and ARDS due to COVID-19, preliminary literature suggests MSCs, such as ImStems hES-MSC candidate IMS001, may warrant further development consideration. An early clinical study conducted in China by an unrelated group with a different MSC product, Transplantation of ACE2- Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improves the Outcome of Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia, and published in Aging and Disease (2020, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 216-228) showed that an intravenous infusion of a different MSC product appeared safe and improved functional outcomes in seven treated patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. MSCs are well recognized to be immunomodulatory in nature, possessing immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties.

Even before their application to COVID-19, MSCs were being investigated as a potential therapeutic option in ARDS, and emerging data in preclinical models has been encouraging. ARDS remains an area of considerable unmet medical need, affecting around 200,000 patients annually in the U.S., accounting for 10% of all intensive care unit patients, and having a mortality of approximately 40%. At the present time, no specific direct therapies exist for ARDS and only supportive treatment is available.

We feel privileged to be part of a global effort to combat COVID-19. This is a unique opportunity for AgeX to leverage its resources to help with the public health challenge at hand. Decades of pioneering work with human embryonic stem cells means this technology is now at a point where it may play a role in the development of a cell-based approach to combating COVID-19. We are very excited by the prospect of expanding our relationship with ImStem to include COVID-19 and ARDS, said Dr. Nafees Malik, Chief Operating Officer of AgeX.

We welcome the opportunity to continue to collaborate with AgeX and explore future development of our IMS001 product in COVID-19 and ARDS from other causes, commented Richard Kim, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of ImStem Biotechnology.

About AgeX Therapeutics

AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. (NYSE American: AGE) is focused on developing and commercializing innovative therapeutics for human aging. AgeXs PureStem and UniverCyte manufacturing and immunotolerance technologies are designed to work together to generate highly defined, universal, allogeneic, off-the-shelf pluripotent stem cell-derived young cells of any type for application in a variety of diseases with a high unmet medical need. AgeX has two preclinical cell therapy programs: AGEX-VASC1 (vascular progenitor cells) for tissue ischemia and AGEX-BAT1 (brown fat cells) for Type II diabetes. AgeXs revolutionary longevity platform induced Tissue Regeneration (iTR) aims to unlock cellular immortality and regenerative capacity to reverse age-related changes within tissues. AGEX-iTR1547 is an iTR-based formulation in preclinical development. HyStem is AgeXs delivery technology to stably engraft PureStem cell therapies in the body. AgeXs core product pipeline is intended to extend human healthspan. AgeX is seeking opportunities to establish licensing and collaboration arrangements around its broad IP estate and proprietary technology platforms and therapy product candidates.

For more information, please visit http://www.agexinc.com or connect with the company on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube.

About ImStem Biotechnology

ImStem Biotechnology, Inc. is aspiring to revolutionize how serious diseases with significant unmet needs are treated with a new generation of regenerative and cellular therapies. Pioneering research by its current founder and Chief Technology Officer Dr. Xiaofang Wang and Dr. Ren-He Xu, former director of UConn Stem Cell Institute, led to the proprietary state-of-the-art pluripotent stem cell technology, enabling off-the-shelf, allogeneic stem cell-derived products to be manufactured in scale, differentiating itself from the typical challenges imposed by autologous adult cell therapy products. The company's mission is to advance the science and understanding of human pluripotent stem cell based regenerative cellular therapies through novel and creative development pathways and to fulfill unmet medical needs in serious diseases. And its development strategy focuses on neurologic, autoimmune, degenerative, and rare orphan diseases. ImStem Biotechnology Inc. is a privately held company headquartered in Farmington, CT.

For more information, visit http://www.imstem.com.

Forward-Looking Statements for AgeX

Certain statements contained in this release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any statements that are not historical fact including, but not limited to statements that contain words such as will, believes, plans, anticipates, expects, estimates should also be considered forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements and as such should be evaluated together with the many uncertainties that affect the business of AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. and its subsidiaries, particularly those mentioned in the cautionary statements found in more detail in the Risk Factors section of AgeXs most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commissions (copies of which may be obtained at http://www.sec.gov). Subsequent events and developments may cause these forward-looking statements to change. In addition, with respect to AgeXs letter of intent with ImStem there is no assurance that (i) AgeX and ImStem will successfully conclude negotiations and enter into a license agreement; (ii) ImStem will be successful in developing any therapeutic products from a stem cell line licensed by AgeX or that any therapeutic product that may be developed will receive FDA or foreign regulatory approval, or (iii) AgeX will derive revenue or other financial benefits from any license agreement that might be signed with ImStem. AgeX specifically disclaims any obligation or intention to update or revise these forward-looking statements as a result of changed events or circumstances that occur after the date of this release, except as required by applicable law.

AgeX Therapeutics and ImStem Biotechnology Sign Non-Binding Letter of Intent Regarding Investigational MSC Candidate IMS001 for COVID-19 and Other...


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