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Archive for the ‘Arthritis’ Category

Arthritis Vaccine Could Emerge From Stem Cell Technology – Vital Updates

Sunday, May 7th, 2017

Mouse stem cells could have just helped with the answer to solving chronic diseases.

The stem cells are created through gene-editing technology and are known as stem cells modified for autonomous regenerative therapy, or SMART cells. The newly-edited cells are being used to treat inflammation with a goal of pinpointing localized pain, said Farshid Guilak, senior author and professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine.

Our goal is to package the rewired stem cells as a vaccine for arthritis, which would deliver an anti-inflammatory drug to an arthritic joint but only when it is needed, Guilak said in a press release. To do this, we needed to create a smart cell.

The study authors said that genetic engineering can be used to rewire cell circuits in order to specifically change the relationships between inflammatory mediators and their antagonists. The engineering helps to provide a foundation for cell-based drug delivery that speeds up the rate at which a vaccine can start working.

We want to use our gene-editing technology as a way to deliver targeted therapy in response to localized inflammation in a joint, as opposed to current drug therapies that can interfere with the inflammatory response through the entire body, Guilak said. If this strategy proves to be successful, the engineered cells only would block inflammation when inflammatory signals are released, such as during an arthritic flare in that joint.

Related:Scientists Grow Beating Heart Cells on Spinach Leaves

Mouse cells were grown and used in the study to test the gene-editing technology. The researchers were able to replace an inflammation mediator with a drug that suppresses the bodys response to inflammation response, known as a TNF-alpha inhibitor, using CRISPR technology.

Exploiting tools from synthetic biology, we found we could re-code the program that stem cells use to orchestrate their response to inflammation, said Jonathan Brunger, the studys first author and a postdoctoral fellow in Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology at the University of California, San Francisco. We hijacked an inflammatory pathway to create cells that produced a protective drug.

The team also coded cells that lit up when responding to inflammation, so they could determine which cells needed attention. The stem cells have the potential to help with several different health issues, Guilak said.

When these cells see TNF-alpha, they rapidly activate a therapy that reduces inflammation, Guilak said. We believe this strategy also may work for other systems that depend on a feedback loop. In diabetes, for example, its possible we could make stem cells that would sense glucose and turn on insulin in response. We are using pluripotent stem cells, so we can make them into any cell type, and with CRISPR, we can remove or insert genes that have the potential to treat many types of disorders.

The autoregulation that the stem cells can provide has the possibility to help treat diseases early, before symptoms become serious health issues, the study said. The possibilities are exciting, Brunger added.

The ability to build living tissues from smart stem cells that precisely respond to their environment opens up exciting possibilities for investigation in regenerative medicine, Brunger said.

Related:Dairy-Free Diets Could Harm Young Peoples Bone Health

Tori Linville is a freelance writer and editor from Clarksville, Tennessee. When she isnt writing or teaching, shes faithfully watching her alma mater, the University of Alabama, dominate the football field.

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Arthritis Vaccine Could Emerge From Stem Cell Technology - Vital Updates


Combating arthritis: The word on knee injections – WRVO Public Media

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

Characterized by painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints, arthritis is an affliction that ails many. As weight-bearing joints, the knees are particularly prone to the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis. In an effort to find relief, some may consider surgery and medication. For others, corticosteroid injections in the knee have become an effective means to combat their osteoarthritis.

To find out more about these knee injections and their effectiveness, Take Care spoke with Dr. Robert Shmerling, associate physician and clinical chief of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Osteoarthritis, Shmerling explains, is highly associated with aging and the degeneration of cartilage lining the joints. This cartilage, along with naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, is what allows joints to move smoothly through their range of motion. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint, but due to the stress we put on our knees throughout our lifetime, as well as the genetic inheritance factor, knee joints are frequently those affected.

Through an analysis of the patients history, their symptoms, a physical examination, and regular x-rays, doctors can confirm an arthritis diagnosis. Once the diagnosis has been verified, there are a few options to consider moving forward.

The first step, says Shmerling, is typically to offer pain relievers or mild anti-inflammatory medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Osteoarthritis is less of an inflammatory issue than rheumatoid arthritis, for example, but the anti-inflammatory properties of medicines like Tylenol or Advil can still offer some relief.

Monitored exercise is also an option, as is physical therapy, and additionally, the application of heat or cold to the affected area can help as well, Shmerling says. And if none of those are effective? That is when injections are considered. They are not the first line of defense, explains Shmerling, and are typically reserved for those who havent found relief with the aforementioned options.

To combat the inflammation, the medication itself is a corticosteroid, which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory when injected in the affected knee. Unlike other treatment options, says Shmerling, injections can provide fast relief, especially when the corticosteroid is combined with Novocain. The Novocain provides fast temporary relief, while the effects of the corticosteroid can be distinguished within 24 to 48 hours, he says.

And post-injection, the duration of benefit is variable from patient to patient. Relief can last from weeks to months. In fact, Shmerling recalls, he has seen patients who didnt need another injection for up to a year. However, in osteoarthritis of the knees, the duration of injections is typically in the order of weeks or months.

Its important to remember that injections arent a cure, Shmerling notes, and are only meant to provide temporary relief. The rule of thumb for frequency is typically three to four per year. In fact, having too many injections is not wise due to the risk of infection in the injection site, as well as the possibility of damaging structures within the knee from exposure to the cortisone. This combination of risks means limiting injection frequency, although no one knows what the ideal interval is, Shmerling says.

Another injection option involves a synthetic hyaluronic acid. In osteoarthritis, the thickness of the naturally occurring hyaluronic acid in the joint becomes less lubricative, so through injection of a synthetic form, the joint gets some of that lubrication back, as well as some mild anti-inflammatory effects.

And if none of these methods work, the final option is surgery, Shmerling says. This decision is based on a host of factors, including the patients pain and quality of life, joint function, and x-ray analysis. There isnt always a distinct moment when surgery becomes a must, he explains, so it often has to do with the effectiveness of previous treatment methods like injections, as well as how the individual is coping with their arthritis.

And like so many medical treatments, the responses to injections are varied. In fact, Shmerling adds, the overall effectiveness has been brought into question in numerous studies, with no clear conclusion on how long they can delay an inevitable surgery. But Shmerling says injections are worth a try for patients who are considering surgery but may not be an ideal candidate. While they arent a cure for arthritis, for those seeking relief, knee injections are a worthwhile option to consider to ease the effects of osteoarthritis.

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Combating arthritis: The word on knee injections - WRVO Public Media


Arthritis Awareness Month: Arthritis symptoms, arthritis mutilans, infectious arthritis, psoriatic arthritis – Bel Marra Health

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

Home Anti-Aging Arthritis Arthritis Awareness Month: Arthritis symptoms, arthritis mutilans, infectious arthritis, psoriatic arthritis

It is Arthritis Awareness Month, and we at Bel Marra know how it can be living with arthritis pain. Having joint pain can affect people of any age, but when its something that has to be dealt with on a daily basis, it can be extremely debilitating. So, in order to assist those suffering from the condition, we have compiled a list of articles we think will help with arthritis symptoms. You will find articles on the topics of not well-known types of arthritis such as infectious arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, septic arthritis, and arthritis mutilans.

Having arthritis pain can be quite a nuisance. It hampers our day, making the most mundane things difficult and subjecting us to unnecessary agony. But the pain associated with arthritis isnt the only symptom people have to endure.

In a lot of cases, people notice other things showing up before they ever have pain, says Kevin Shea, an orthopedic surgeon at St. Lukes Health System in Boise.

While arthritis may be seen as one entity, there are actually hundreds of different types, and each person diagnosed with the condition may present with an entirely different constellation of symptoms from the next, making each case unique.

Being aware of the symptoms arthritis sufferers may present allows you and your doctor to possibly slow down its progression. Early detection can allow for the use of anti-inflammatory medication or certain lifestyle changes to help preserve normal functioning. The following are a list of non-pain-related symptoms that are associated with arthritis to keep a look out for. Continue reading

Arthritis is a common term used to describe disorders that affect the joints, but we dont often hear about arthritis mutilans (AM). It is a severe but rare form of arthritis that attacks bone and cartilage in the joints.

People who suffer from arthritis mutilans usually face deformation in the joints of the hands and feet. The condition gets its name from its mutilating potential. It is a type of psoriatic arthritis that destroys the joints and can lead to the shortening of affected fingers and toes. Less than five percent of people who suffer from psoriatic arthritis (PsA) develop arthritis mutilans, but it is often confused with rheumatoid arthritis since RA can also cause joint deformity. Some doctors refer to arthritis mutilans as chronic absorptive arthritis because it causes bone resorption. Continue reading

Living with persistent pain, such as arthritis pain, is always a challenge. You can manage occasional episodes of pain with quick go-to remedies like over-the-counter painkillers, but if the pain is chronicmeaning, its here to stayyoull need a long-term solution to continue functioning (and to do so in a safe manner) and still enjoy your life. In other words, you need to learn how to deal with pain day in and day out and adjust your lifestyle to include this new value into the equation.

You may not like this idea, but in order to effectively transition into this new way of living, youll need to accept your pain as a family member. When you start living with someone, conflicts are unavoidable, but the longer you two co-exist under one roof, the more you become accustomed to each other and the better you get along. True, your relationship with pain is one-sided, but thinking of things this way should help you prepare for effectively handling pain in the long term without compromising your regular lifestyle. Continue reading

Infectious arthritis is an infection in a joint, and it may also be referred to as septic arthritis. It typically occurs due to an infection caused by bacteria or a virus that spreads to a joint or the fluid surrounding itthe synovial fluid. Infections usually begin in another area of the body and spread through the bloodstream to the joint, causing it to become infected. Other routes of infection include surgery contamination, open wounds, or injections. These types of infections usually only affect one joint at a time, with larger joints such as the knee, hip, or shoulder seeing the most cases. Infectious arthritis can occur in people of all ages, and especially in those who use intravenous drugs. Here you will learn how to get infectious arthritis, how long it lasts, and septic arthritis criteria for diagnosis. Continue reading

You may have heard of psoriasisa condition that features red patches of skin with silvery scales. You may have also heard of arthritis, the joint pain disorder. What most people dont know is that these two conditions can actually present together in an entirely separate condition.

Psoriatic arthritis (PA) is a chronic autoimmune condition resulting in increased inflammation of the body that gets worse over time, but those affected may have symptom-free periods on occasion. The symptoms of PA often resemble that of rheumatoid arthritis, as both diseases cause the joints to become painful, swollen, and warm to the touch. However, PA is more likely to cause swollen fingers and toes, foot pain, and lower back pain, and of course, it also presents with the typical skin abnormalities seen in psoriasis patients. Individuals with PA may also have an increased risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. This joint pain can lead to significant joint damage over time, so it is advised to see your doctor for treatment. Medications used for PA can carry many side effects, but luckily. the food you eat can be a big help in reducing symptoms and even decreasing risk factors associated with excessive inflammation. Continue reading

Related Reading:

Polyarthritis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Palindromic rheumatism (a cause of rheumatoid arthritis): Causes, symptoms, and treatment

See the original post:
Arthritis Awareness Month: Arthritis symptoms, arthritis mutilans, infectious arthritis, psoriatic arthritis - Bel Marra Health


Knee ‘Crackle’ Might Mean Arthritis is Coming – WebMD

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

By Amy Norton

HealthDay Reporter

FRIDAY, May 5, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Knees that "pop," "click" or "crackle" may sometimes be headed toward arthritis in the near future, a new study suggests.

It's common for the knees to get a little noisy on occasion, and hearing a "crack" during your yoga class is probably not something to worry about, experts say.

But in the new study, middle-aged and older adults who said their knees often crackled were more likely to develop arthritis symptoms in the next year.

Of those who complained their knees were "always" noisy, 11 percent developed knee arthritis symptoms within a year. That compared with 4.5 percent of people who said their knees "never" popped or cracked.

Everyone else fell into the middle. Of people who said their knees "sometimes" or "often" made noise, roughly 8 percent developed knee arthritis symptoms in the next year.

Doctors have a term for those joint noises: crepitus.

Patients commonly complain of it, said Dr. Grace Lo, the lead researcher on the study. She's an assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

But until now, it hasn't been clear whether crepitus can predict symptomatic knee arthritis. That means people not only have evidence of cartilage breakdown on X-rays, but also suffer symptoms from it -- namely, frequent pain and stiffness.

"Our study suggests crepitus is not completely benign," Lo said. "It's a sign that something is going on in the knee joint."

Dr. Joseph Bosco, an orthopedic surgeon who wasn't involved in the study, agreed that frequent crepitus should be checked out.

"A lot of people's knees 'snap' and 'pop,'" said Bosco, a professor at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. "Do they need to run out for knee replacements? No."

But, he added, "if you experience crepitus regularly, get an evaluation."

The findings, published May 4 in the journal Arthritis Care & Research, come with some caveats.

The nearly 3,500 study participants were at increased risk of developing knee arthritis symptoms to begin with, Lo explained.

The participants ranged in age from 45 to 79. Some were at risk of knee arthritis simply because of old age, while others had risk factors such as obesity or a history of a significant knee injury.

So it's not clear, Lo said, whether the findings would translate to -- for example -- a 35-year-old whose knees crack when she runs.

Plus, even though the study participants were initially free of knee arthritis symptoms, some did have signs of arthritis damage on an X-ray.

And it was in that group where crepitus was a red flag: People who "often" or "always" had noisy knees were nearly three times more likely to develop knee arthritis symptoms as those who "never" had crepitus.

According to Lo, the findings could be useful in everyday medical practice. "If patients are complaining of frequent cracking or popping in the knees," she said, "get an X-ray."

If that turns up signs of arthritic damage, Lo said, then the risk of progressing to symptoms in the near future is probably significant.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that can stop arthritis in progress. But, Lo said, for patients who are heavy, weight loss can help.

Some, she added, might benefit from strengthening the muscles that support the knees.

WebMD News from HealthDay

SOURCES: Grace Lo, M.D., assistant professor, medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston; Joseph Bosco, M.D., professor, orthopedic surgery, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City; May 4, 2017, Arthritis Care & Research

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Knee 'Crackle' Might Mean Arthritis is Coming - WebMD


Study: 4 in 10 people will have hand arthritis in lifetime – Wichita Eagle

Saturday, May 6th, 2017
Study: 4 in 10 people will have hand arthritis in lifetime
Wichita Eagle
Hand arthritis is more common than you might think. Nearly one in two women and one in four men will develop the condition in their lifetime, according to a new study. The risk of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis also varies by race and weight. Aching ...
Symptomatic Hand Osteoarthritis Will Affect 40 Percent of PeopleDoctors Lounge

all 2 news articles »

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Study: 4 in 10 people will have hand arthritis in lifetime - Wichita Eagle


Rheumatoid Arthritis Deaths Have Decreased – Healthline

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

Many study findings about rheumatoid arthritis (RA) sound negative, but patients with the disease are now getting some encouraging news.

A study published last month on the progress and advancements in RA treatment and management revealed that for the first time in years the mortality rate among people with RA has decreased.

Researchers also noted that people with the disease experience much less disability than in decades past.

Read more: Green tea may help ease rheumatoid arthritis treatments

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that RA was listed as the underlying cause of death in 8,428 cases in 2011.

That was a decrease from 9,281 deaths in 1987.

The age-standardized mortality rate of RA declined by 3 percent annually from 1987 to 2011.

But people with RA still have a higher mortality rate than the general population.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes thatearly treatment within six months of diagnosis is ideal to help curb aggressive disease activity or early deaths from RA.

Read more: Stem cell therapy a possible treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

Researchers are now trying to ascertain which specific approaches have helped bring down the RA mortality rate.

In general, it seems that the long-term outlook for people with RA is improving but only with early treatment. This was evidenced in a study following a group of people with RA for 20 years.

Early treatment means getting the right diagnosis and catching the RA early in the progression of the disease.

There are some mixed opinions within the rheumatology community about what the first line of defense is in RA treatment, but the general consensus is that a more aggressive approach in the earlier stages is best.

People with lower disease activity tended to fare better long term.

But, overall, while people with RA reported a lower disease activity early on, disability rates did tend to rise in people with RA seven years after diagnosis.

The disability reported was moderate but still better than compared with previous decades.

A press release about these discoveries noted that patients who received treatment within the first six months had a lower risk of death than those who did not receive treatment, after controlling for disease severity.

This research emphasizes the importance of early treatment and the long-term benefits of early treatment, said Suzanne Verstappen, PhD, a senior research fellow at the University of Manchester, and a lead researcher on these study, said in a press statement. In the early 1990s, when this study started, only 30 percent of patients received early treatment, but this number has increased significantly in the last decade. It's expected that in the next 10 years, newly diagnosed patients will have a better future with respect to functional ability, less severe disease activity, and improved quality of life.

Read more: Why rheumatoid arthritis is plaguing 9/11 first responders

In the past, there was a higher RA mortality rate due to complications such as lung and heart issues associated with severe RA disease activity.

Other people succumbed to fatal infections from RA medications, or other unique complications associated with RA and its comorbidities.

The higher survival rate is welcome news for people with RA, but there are issues related to living longer with the disease.

Although increased survival with rheumatoid arthritis is great news, it might lead to a greater share of our aging population having the disease and in need of health services. This needs to be accounted for in healthcare planning, said study lead author Aliasghar Kiadaliri, PhD, of Lund University in Sweden, in a statement to the press.

People with RA, though, still look at this news as a positive thing.

With so much bad news regarding the healthcare bill and funding for NIH research being cut and just the difficulties of RA in general, it is nice to get good news for once. I would love to live a longer and healthier life even with having a serious illness like RA, said Jacqueline Dickson of North Carolina.

I am only 23 and was just recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, added Michelle Herbert of Nevada. I wondered if it would affect my life expectancy, and told my doctor that Id try whatever she suggested to make sure my disease didnt progress too badly. Its good to know that aggressive treatment early in the disease is seen as a positive, but I just hope my doctors caught it in time because I had so many years of pain.

Perhaps Brad Smith of New York, a young man with RA, is the one to sum it up best.

Ill takeanygood news when it comes to RA, he said.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Deaths Have Decreased - Healthline


Arthritis symptoms – THIS condition could be triggered by bowel infection and last months – Express.co.uk

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

Reactive arthritis can cause painful joint swelling and in most cases it clears up completely within months..

The condition - whihc is different to osteoarthritis and rheuamtoid arthritis - most commonly develops after infections of the bowel or genital tract.

Arthritis Research UK said: Unlike septic arthritis, reactive arthritis isnt caused by an active infection within your joints.

With reactive arthritis the inflammation in your joints is a reaction to an infection elsewhere in your body. Reactive arthritis is diagnosed if you suddenly develop arthritis, especially in your knees or ankles, just after suffering an infection.


Sometimes the infection may have been so mild that you didn't notice it.

The charity said the first signs of the condition can be pain and swelling, usually in the joints in the legs - knees ankles or toes.

It said the swelling may happen suddenly or develop over a few days after the affected joint becomes stiff.

Other joints including the fingers, wrists, elbows and the joints at the base of your spine (sacroiliac joints) can also become inflamed.


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ith reactive arthritis the inflammation in your joints is a reaction to an infection elsewhere in your body

Reactive arthritis can also cause inflammation of the tendons around the joints, such as the Achilles tendon at the back of the ankle.

Joint pain and swelling are often the only symptoms of reactive arthritis. But other possible symptoms include:

inflamed, red eyes (conjunctivitis) scaly rashes over your hands or feet (known as keratoderma blenorrhagica) diarrhoea, which may start some time before the arthritis mouth ulcers inflammation of the genital tract which produces a discharge from your vagina or penis a sore rash over the end of the penis weight loss and fever.


The charity said reactive arthritis can affect people of all ages, including children.

It generally affects a younger average age group than rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Although there isnt a family tendency to develop reactive arthritis, if you have a particular gene, HLA-B27, you may be more likely to develop the condition.

This gene is carried by about one in 14 - seven per cent - of the general population.

The charity said: Having the HLA-B27 gene could also make you more likely to have further episodes of reactive arthritis in the future.

To find out more visit Arthritis Research UK

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Arthritis symptoms - THIS condition could be triggered by bowel infection and last months - Express.co.uk


National Arthritis Awareness Month: Family Caregivers Key to … – Benzinga

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

This month, America observes Arthritis Awareness Month a month dedicated to sharing experiences and letting others see and hear about the disease and its impacts. To join in the discussion, Home Instead Senior Care the world's leading provider of in-home care services for seniors is offering tips to family caregivers of those living with the disease.

OMAHA, Neb. (PRWEB) May 05, 2017

Arthritis is the No. 1 cause of disability in the United States, affecting more than 50 million Americans, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Those with this chronic disease experience painful inflammation and stiffness, making it difficult to accomplish daily tasks, which can lead to anxiety or a diminished positive self-image.

This month, America observes Arthritis Awareness Month a month dedicated to sharing experiences and letting others see and hear about the disease and its impacts. To join in the discussion, Home Instead Senior Care the world's leading provider of in-home care services for seniors is offering tips to family caregivers of those living with the disease.

"Without proper care and treatment, an individual becomes more and more likely to have their life severely impacted by the effects of arthritis," said Lakelyn Hogan, caregiver advocate at Home Instead. "We are offering these tips to help family caregivers better understand the needs of their loved one with this disease. Arthritis is the No. 1 chronic condition that brings us into a senior's home and we wanted to share our advice, curated from twenty years of caring for seniors with arthritis."

Keep the following seven tips in mind when assisting loved ones living with arthritis:

Home Instead CAREGivers deliver responsive and customized in-home care to each client's specific needs. Home Instead offers everything from arthritis help to advanced Alzheimer's careto keep them safe at home.

A Caregiver's Guide to Arthritis provides additional tips on how to help a loved one with arthritis. Download the guide at http://www.caregiverstress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/A-Caregivers-Guide-to-Arthritis_web.pdf. For more information on Arthritis Awareness Month events and resources, visit http://blog.arthritis.org/news/arthritis-awareness-month/.

# # #

ABOUT HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE Founded in 1994 in Omaha, Nebraska, by Lori and Paul Hogan, the Home Instead Senior Care network provides personalized care, support and education to help enhance the lives of aging adults and their families. Today this network is the world's leading provider of in-home care services for seniors, with more than 1,000 independently owned and operated franchises that are estimated to annually provide more than 50 million hours of care throughout the United States and 12 other countries. Local Home Instead Senior Care offices employ approximately 65,000 CAREGiversSM worldwide who provide basic support services that enable seniors to live safely and comfortably in their own homes for as long as possible. The Home Instead Senior Care network strives to partner with each client and his or her family members to help meet that individual's needs. Services span the care continuum from providing companionship and personal care to specialized Alzheimer's care and hospice support. Also available are family caregiver education and support resources. At Home Instead Senior Care, it's relationship before task, while striving to provide superior quality service.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2017/05/prweb14304019.htm

National Arthritis Awareness Month: Family Caregivers Key to ... - Benzinga


Frank Haight: Second-grader bravely fighting painful arthritis – Columbia Daily Tribune

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

She's only a second grader at Cordill-Mason Elementary School in Blue Springs, but 8-year-old Maggie Miller knows what it's like to attend class with every joint on her fingers, wrists and elbows hurting from juvenile idiopathic arthritis, a disease with no cure yet.

What's happening to Maggie is this: Her immune system sees healthy cells as bad, and her immune system attacks the healthy cells in her body, explains Maggie's mom, Tammy Miller. So her immune system is attacking all her joints.

That's the bad news. The good news is: We have been able to stop the spread of (the disease), she says, recalling the disease spread quickly after Maggie was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis in October 2015. We have been able to slow down the progression of the disease with a lot of medicine that she takes weekly, and every four weeks we go into the hospital and do an IV infusion treatment . ... and we do an injection of chemo every weekend to kind of suppress the immune system from attacking her body.

How is Maggie coping with her affliction?

Maggie is the strongest, bravest child I know. She deals with more than any 8-year-old should ever have to deal with. She has to deal with a lot of medicines, doctor appointments and physical therapy, occupational therapy and pool therapy, Tammy says, recalling Maggie had two appointments this week and missed a lot of schooling and doing fun things with her friends.

However, the fun Maggie missed doing with her friends, she more than made up when the Dream Factory of Kansas City sent the Miller family, including her father, Duane, and her 11-year-old brother, Joel, to Orlando, Florida. There they spent March 11 to 17 visiting Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World.

Then, there was the 80-acre Give Kids the World Village where Dream Factory and Make-A-Wish Foundation families stayed while in Orlando. There were tons of fun things to do, Tammy says, recalling the Village each night staged an elaborate party or celebration like Halloween, with a visit from the Storm Troopers and other characters. Then there was Christmas in March, complete with Santa, snow, sleigh rides and much more.

Wearing Mickey Mouse ears to an interview earlier this week was soft-spoken Maggie who fielded a few questions. Her favorite park ride was scary Splash Mountain. Cinderella's evil stepsisters were her favorite meet-and-greet characters, because they were ugly and stayed in character and acted evil. And the ride she hated most: The Tower of Terror, which made her scream.

How did the trip of a lifetime affect Maggie, who says she would like to go to Los Angeles someday and see her two favorite TV personalities, Ellen Degeneres and Steve Harvey.

It was really nice to go on this trip and get away from hospitals, doctors, therapy and just be a family and just have fun and let (Maggie) be a kid and do kid things for a while, she says, noting: We went to seven parks in that short time.

On Saturday, May 6, Maggie and her team of walkers will be helping The Arthritis Foundation, which Tammy says has been an amazing support system for her family. For the second consecutive year, Maggie's team of fundraisers are participating in the annual Walk to Cure Arthritis, a community fundraising 5K walk. The event begins at 9 a.m. in the dinosaur section of Worlds of Fun before the park opens.

What's ahead for Maggie?

Says Tammy: We are going to continue our treatment. Our goal is hopefully to get (the disease) to go into remission so that we can go into a medication remission and there be no signs of the disease. Then hopefully, we can start weaning off some of those medicines and stay in remission.

What has already begun as a fun-filled year for Maggie will continue next month when Maggie spends June 5 to 8 at The Arthritis Foundation's Camp Joint Adventure at Lawson, Missouri. She will be attending camp (where memories are made) on a scholarship. One of her memories, no doubt, will be swimming, because that's her favorite pastime and doesn't put much pressure on her joints.

(Maggie) is looking forward to participating in the 5K walk and going to camp this summer in order to be with other kids who understand her disease, Tammy says. ...She has a real strong support group of friends, and has told her class what her disease is, how it affects her and why she is away from school sometimes because of appointments. She has to miss all day on infusion treatment day. Then she is worn out afterwards.

Will Maggie's condition worsen?

With the advancement in medication treatment, we hope we have been able to catch it in time, get on the right medicine in a timely fashion and that we have the disease under control, Tammy says, explaining, There is always that chance medicines will stop working, and we pray that won't happen. But if it does, we will regroup, find a new treatment and try it. ...It's all about trying to find the right combinations of medicine. We are very lucky we were able to slow down the disease before it got to any other joints.

-- Retired community news reporter Frank Haight Jr. writes this column for The Examiner. You can leave a message for him at 816-350-6363.

See original here:
Frank Haight: Second-grader bravely fighting painful arthritis - Columbia Daily Tribune


Cary teen doesn’t let arthritis hold her back – News & Observer

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

News & Observer
Cary teen doesn't let arthritis hold her back
News & Observer
If Maia Tsalik is supposed to make you feel sorry for her, she is not doing a very good job. As one of the ambassadors for the upcoming Walk for the Cure, the 13-year-old Cary resident is charged with helping to raise awareness about arthritis. Maia ...

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Cary teen doesn't let arthritis hold her back - News & Observer


Arthritis Drug Shows Promise for Ulcerative Colitis – Lincoln Journal Star

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

WEDNESDAY, May 3, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- A new study finds that people with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis who haven't done well on other treatments may find relief with Xeljanz (tofacitinib), a drug currently used to treat arthritis.

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. It affects about 700,000 Americans, according to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation (CCF).

The illness causes inflammation, irritation, swelling and sores on the lining of the large intestine. Symptoms include diarrhea with blood or pus and abdominal discomfort, according to CCF.

"There is still a substantial unmet need for new treatments for patients with ulcerative colitis," said study lead author Dr. William Sandborn. He is professor of medicine and chief of the division of gastroenterology at the University of California, San Diego.

Xeljanz targets certain proteins involved in the body's inflammatory and immune responses that other so-called biologic drugs don't, the researchers said.

"Treatment with oral tofacitinib is potentially a new treatment option for patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, pending review by the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration]," Sandborn said.

The study was funded by Pfizer, Inc., the maker of Xeljanz. Sandborn said he has received research grants from the company and served as a consultant for Pfizer.

Whether Xeljanz should be used as a first treatment is still not clear, said Dr. Arun Swaminath, director of the inflammatory bowel disease program at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

Because Xeljanz comes as a pill, it could have an advantage for patients, Swaminath said. But so far it has only been tried with patients who have not responded to other treatments, he said.

"How it is used in the real world may be different than how it was used in these studies," Swaminath said. "I am not going out on a limb and say this should be the first choice, because we don't have enough data to say that's the way it should be positioned."

The researchers randomly assigned more than 1,700 people with ulcerative colitis to one of three phase 3 trials.

The first two trials looked at more than 1,100 patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis who had failed with conventional treatment or treatment with newer "tumor necrosis factor antagonist" drugs, such as Remicade (infliximab). They received Xeljanz or a placebo twice a day for eight weeks.

In the third trial, nearly 600 patients who responded to Xeljanz were assigned to a maintenance dose (one group with 5 milligrams [mg] and another group with 10 mg) of the drug, or placebo for a year.

In the first trial, nearly 19 percent of the patients taking Xeljanz experienced a remission of their condition in eight weeks. That compared to just 8 percent of patients receiving placebo.

In the second trial, almost 17 percent of those taking Xeljanz had a remission, compared with nearly 4 percent of those taking placebo, the researchers found.

In the third trial, more than 34 percent of patients taking 5 mg of Xeljanz had disease remission after one year. Forty percent of those taking a 10-mg dose of the drug had remission at a year. Only 11 percent of patients on placebo saw a remission.

However, in all of the trials, more patients taking Xeljanz suffered from infections, such as shingles, than those receiving placebo, researchers found.

In addition, five patients taking Xeljanz developed nonmelanoma skin cancer, compared with one patient receiving placebo. Five patients taking the drug experienced heart problems compared with no one on the placebo.

Also, compared with placebo, Xeljanz was associated with an increase in levels of cholesterol.

The report was published May 4 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Dr. Sonia Friedman is an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. She's also the author of an editorial accompanying the study.

"Tofacitinib is a promising new class of medical therapy that has efficacy in ulcerative colitis. It is an oral, small-molecule drug that is different from current biologic therapies, such as infliximab [Remicade], adalimumab [Humira], golimumab [Simponi] and vedolizumab [Entyvio]," Friedman said.

An advantage of Xeljanz is that it is a pill. Other biologic drugs are given by infusion or injection. In addition, patients cannot develop antibodies to Xeljanz as they can with other biologic drugs, Friedman said.

"Tofacitinib may be used in the future as rescue therapy from failure of biologics," she said. "Only future studies will determine whether it can be used as initial therapy for ulcerative colitis and what patients it would help the most."

Read the original here:
Arthritis Drug Shows Promise for Ulcerative Colitis - Lincoln Journal Star


Can An Arthritis Vaccine Be In Our Future? – National Pain Report

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

By Staff.

Researchers are editing stem cells in an effort to fight arthritis with the goal of possibly creating a vaccine that targets inflammation in joints.

Theyve been successful in rewiring mouse stem cells to fight inflammation caused by arthritis and other chronic conditions. These stem cells, known as SMART (Stem cells Modified for Autonomous Regenerative Therapy), develop into cartilage cells that produce anti-inflammatory drug that may replace arthritic cartilage and protect joints from additional damage.

Our goal is to package the rewired stem cells as a vaccine for arthritis, which would deliver an anti-inflammatory drug to an arthritic joint but only when it is needed, said Farshid Guilak, PhD, the papers senior author and a professor of orthopedic surgery at Washington University School of Medicine. To do this, we needed to create a smart cell.

Many current drugs used to treat arthritis like Enbrel, Humira and Remicade, attack an inflammation-promoting molecule called tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). These drugs are given systemically rather than targeted to joints, which can lead to various unwanted side effects.

We want to use our gene-editing technology as a way to deliver targeted therapy in response to localized inflammation in a joint, as opposed to current drug therapies that can interfere with the inflammatory response through the entire body, Guilak added. If this strategy proves to be successful, the engineered cells only would block inflammation when inflammatory signals are released, such as during an arthritic flare in that joint.

The researchers also encoded the stem/cartilage cells with genes that made the cells light up when responding to inflammation, so the scientists could tell when the cells were responding. Recently, Guilaks team has begun testing the engineered stem cells in mouse models of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

If the work can be replicated in animals and then developed into a clinical therapy, the engineered cells or cartilage grown from stem cells would respond to inflammation by releasing a biologic drug the TNF-alpha inhibitor that would protect the synthetic cartilage cells that Guilaks team created and the natural cartilage cells in specific joints.

When these cells see TNF-alpha, they rapidly activate a therapy that reduces inflammation, Guilak explained. We believe this strategy also may work for other systems that depend on a feedback loop. In diabetes, for example, its possible we could make stem cells that would sense glucose and turn on insulin in response. We are using pluripotent stem cells, so we can make them into any cell type we can remove or insert genes that have the potential to treat many types of disorders.

The ability to build living tissues from smart stem cells that precisely respond to their environment opens up exciting possibilities for investigation in regenerative medicine, said Jonathan Brunger, PhD, the papers first author and a postdoctoral fellow in cellular and molecular pharmacology at the University of California, San Francisco.

The research was published in the journalStem Cell Reports.

Can An Arthritis Vaccine Be In Our Future? - National Pain Report


Rheumatoid arthritis could be linked to heart condition … – Express.co.uk

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

Rheumatoid arthritis is a long-term condition that causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints and mainly affects the hands feet and wrists.

People suffering with rheumatoid arthritis often experience periods where the symptoms are worse.

These can be difficult to predict but there is treatment available which can ease pain and prevent long-term damage to the joints.

Some people with rheumatoid arthritis also experience problems in other parts of the body, or more general symptoms such as tiredness and weight loss.

New research led by Sarah Skeoch and Professor Ian Bruce at the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Epidemiology at the University of Manchester, looked at the link between chronic inflammation and increased cardiovascular risk.


The research used advanced imaging techniques to highlight the greater risk of cardiovascular problems among people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Published in the medical journal Scientific Reports, the researchers aimed to provide evidence that chronic inflammation drives increased cardiovascular risk in patients by accelerating atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a condition characterised by the buildup of fatty substances called plaques in the arteries - while also leading to the development of higher-risk plaque types.

Researchers found plaque was more prevalent in people with rheumatoid arthritis, with a higher prevalence of plaque calcification also found.

They found higher levels of the biomarkers hs-CRP and IL6 can be linked to greater inflammation.




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Rheumatoid arthritis is an incredibly debilitating condition that affects more than 400,000 people within the UK.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, which means it is caused by the immune system attacking healthy body tissue - such as the lining go the joints.

It causes joints to become sore and inflamed and damages bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.

If the condition isn't treated, these chemicals gradually cause the joint to lose its shape and alignment.

Experts said the results could reveal that a combination of IL6 and hs-CRP represent a significant driver of cardiovascular risk.


The researchers concluded: "This study confirms increased prevalence of atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis and provides data to support the hypothesis that patients have a high-risk plaque phenotype."

Dr Natalie Carter, head of research liaison and evaluation at Arthritis Research UK, said: "Rheumatoid arthritis is an incredibly debilitating condition that affects more than 400,000 people within the UK.

The condition can not only limit a person's ability to live their everyday life to the full, but it can also put them at higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

"This study not only reinforces the link between rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular disease, but the results can also help us understand what causes atherosclerosis in both patients with rheumatoid arthritis and the general public."

Atherosclerosis occurs when fatty material called atheroma builds up in the lining of your artery walls and narrows your arteries.

Over time it can grow bigger until your arteries become so narrow that they cant let enough blood through.

Go here to see the original:
Rheumatoid arthritis could be linked to heart condition ... - Express.co.uk


UNC student dispels stereotype, seeks arthritis cure – News & Observer

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017
UNC student dispels stereotype, seeks arthritis cure
News & Observer
Barber has had arthritis since she was 13. She is one of two Triangle residents chosen by the Triangle/Coastal Office of the Arthritis Foundation to be the face of arthritis and to help spread the word about the Triangle Walk to Cure Arthritis on ...

More here:
UNC student dispels stereotype, seeks arthritis cure - News & Observer


Sanford Health helps woman with rheumatoid arthritis – KFYR-TV

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

BISMARCK, N.D. Everyday activities can sometimes be taken for granted.

For years, a Bismarck woman couldn't perform actions as simple as turning a key because of rheumatoid arthritis.

For most of us, a task like opening the door doesn't require much thought.

But, for Julie Pfliiger, it's one of the many simple actions that gave her pain for years.

"At the time my husband had to get me out of bed. Tie my shoes. I was really incapacitated," said Pfliiger.

Pfliiger suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, a disorder that causes painful swelling in joint linings.

Opening jars, turning a faucet, and even driving challenged her.

"I really didn't go anywhere other than work. And work was really tough at the time," said Pfliiger.

Pfliiger had the condition for 12 years before she underwent surgery at Sanford Health.

During a series of four surgeries, her tendons were tightened and one of her wrists was fused.

Then she started working with a hand therapist to make the surgery effective.

"We went from supporting it, protecting it, to getting the motion, to strengthening within the course of several months," said Cory-Vatnsdal Gezk, hand and occupational therapist

Vatnsdal Gezk says Pfliiger's condition was one of the most extreme she's ever seen in patients, but her recovery was one of the most successful ones.

"To help her son get dressed, to turn a key in her car, to turn a doorknob, get dressed, do her laundry. Cook, cut food, the things that you and I take for granted she does wonderful now," said Vatnsdal Gezk.

Pfliiger continues to work with her therapist to gain strength in her hands and wrists.

See the rest here:
Sanford Health helps woman with rheumatoid arthritis - KFYR-TV


Survey Results Show Eighty Percent of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Report Life-Altering Pain Daily or Multiple … – PR Newswire (press release)

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

The survey found that because treatments don't always work as well as patients would like, people living with RA have tried an average of more than four prescription medications in the last 5 years.1

In addition, the survey revealed a need for more support of RA patients, particularly when it comes to the conversations they have with their physicians about treatments. Although a majority of respondents say that doctors are their go-to source for information on treatment options for RA (91 percent), many people living with RA (58 percent) delay seeing a doctor right away if their treatment stops working.1 Those surveyed cited several reasons for the delay, including because they think the symptoms will go away on their own (41 percent of those who delay) or they don't want to switch to a perceived stronger medication with potentially more side effects (37 percent of those who delay).1

"The Honestly RA results reveal there is a clear need for more support of RA patients from management of the disease impact on their life to the conversations that they have with their physicians," said Dr. Olga Petryna, Rheumatologist and Clinical Instructor at NYU Langone. "Many patients are dissatisfied with their current treatment and express frustration when a switch in treatment is needed. That's why physicians and the broader support community need to engage those patients who may be struggling to meet their treatment goals in an open conversation."

Notably, people with RA also feel a lack of empathy from others around them. Ninety percent of Honestly RA respondents said that given RA is a largely "invisible" disease, it is frustrating when others do not understand how much pain they are in.1

"My pain affects almost every area of my life work, travel, spending time with friends and family and it can be frustrating when someone doesn't understand the impact," said RA patient, blogger and advocate, Angela Lundberg. "I know it can be difficult, but I encourage everyone living with RA to not be afraid of speaking up, initiating a conversation with your doctor about treatment and celebrating all of your little achievements no matter how small they seem, or how hard they are for someone else to understand."

About the Survey Honestly RA included data from 1,004 patients aged 18 and up in the U.S. who self-reported they were diagnosed with RA and whose treatment journey had progressed beyond just a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID). The online survey was fielded between July 25 and August 8, 2016 by Edelman Intelligence on behalf of Sanofi and Regeneron.

About Sanofi Sanofi, a global healthcare leader, discovers, develops and distributes therapeutic solutions focused on patients' needs. Sanofi is organized into five global business units: Diabetes and Cardiovascular, General Medicines and Emerging Markets, Sanofi Genzyme, Sanofi Pasteur and Consumer Healthcare. Sanofi is listed in Paris (EURONEXT: SAN) and in New York (NYSE: SNY).

AboutRegeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Regeneron (NASDAQ: REGN) is a leading science-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, invents, develops, manufactures and commercializes medicines for the treatment of serious medical conditions. Regeneron commercializes medicines for eye diseases, high LDL cholesterol, atopic dermatitis and a rare inflammatory condition and has product candidates in development in other areas of high unmet medical need, including rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, pain, cancer and infectious diseases. For additional information about the company, please visit http://www.regeneron.com or follow @Regeneron on Twitter.

Sanofi Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts. These statements include projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, statements regarding plans, objectives, intentions and expectations with respect to future financial results, events, operations, services, product development and potential, and statements regarding future performance. Forward-looking statements are generally identified by the words "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "plans" and similar expressions. Although Sanofi's management believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors are cautioned that forward-looking information and statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of Sanofi, that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. These risks and uncertainties include among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development, future clinical data and analysis, including post marketing, decisions by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA or the EMA, regarding whether and when to approve any drug, device or biological application that may be filed for any such product candidates as well as their decisions regarding labelling and other matters that could affect the availability or commercial potential of such product candidates, the absence of guarantee that the product candidates if approved will be commercially successful, the future approval and commercial success of therapeutic alternatives, Sanofi's ability to benefit from external growth opportunities and/or obtain regulatory clearances, risks associated with intellectual property and any related pending or future litigation and the ultimate outcome of such litigation, trends in exchange rates and prevailing interest rates, volatile economic conditions, the impact of cost containment initiatives and subsequent changes thereto, the average number of shares outstanding as well as those discussed or identified in the public filings with the SEC and the AMF made by Sanofi, including those listed under "Risk Factors" and "Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" in Sanofi's annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016. Other than as required by applicable law, Sanofi does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements

1 Honestly RA Survey Results PPT, Oct. 2016. 2 Mayo Clinic. "Rheumatoid Arthritis." Available at http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rheumatoid-arthritis/home/ovc-20197388. Last accessed March 2017.

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/survey-results-show-eighty-percent-of-rheumatoid-arthritis-patients-report-life-altering-pain-daily-or-multiple-times-a-week-despite-treatment-300449267.html

SOURCE Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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Survey Results Show Eighty Percent of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Report Life-Altering Pain Daily or Multiple ... - PR Newswire (press release)


The Ancient Science of Ayurveda Inspires Arthritis Research At … – WOSU

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

A 4,000 year-old medical tradition from India is the inspiration for a local researcher whos looking for new ways to treat and prevent arthritis.

In the lab hes unlocking the healing properties of herbs, fruits, and flowers.

In this weeks Exploradio, WKSUs Jeff St.Clair explores how modern science is revealing the ancient secrets of Ayurveda.

My mother suffered from arthritis," says Northeast Ohio Medical University researcherTariqHaqqi.

He says aspirin and other conventional treatments didnt help, so she sought a traditional healer who prescribed certain herbs.

And my mother felt quite a bit of pain relief and she was even able to walk after those medicines, so those things were in my mind from my childhood.

Inspired by that success, Haqqi now studies how natural remedies work to relieve arthritis.

We are studying the pomegranate extract. We are studying also another medicinal plant from India called Butea monosperma, and we are studying a purified compound called woginin, which is from the Chinese traditional medicine system.

Pomegranate fruit and juice is everywhere. Butea monosperma, or the Flame of the Forest tree, and the compound woginin from the Chinese skullcap flower (Scutellaria baicalensis) are a little less familiar.

Haqqi is testing all of them as potential arthritis medicines.

Healing properties of pomegranates

In a recent study Haqqi fed rabbits with surgically induced arthritis a pomegranate extract both before and after the surgery.

He found that the cartilage in the knees of rabbits that ate pomegranates was relatively untouched by arthritis.

We are not seeing the cartilage degradation here," says Haqqi, "because the enzymes which are involved in matrix breakdown are not being allowed to go up.

Haqqi says compounds in the pomegranates migrate to the synovial fluid surrounding the knee joints, seep into the cells, and block the breakdown of the tissue.

One of his students is testing an extract of flowers from the Flame of the Forest tree to see if it has a similar effect in humans.

Flame of the Forest flowers

Mohammad Ansari shows me a petri dish with a thin layer of liquid that he says contains five million cells, which under a microscope look like misshapen polygons.

Theyre called chondrocytes.

All the cartilage in your body, your knees, your nose, your ears, all of it comes from this one type of cell.

In the petri dish Ansari treats the chondrocytes with an inflammatory protein called Interleukin 1 betathat triggers the breakdown of cartilage basically inducing arthritis - then he adds the Flame of the Forest flower extract.

Ansari says compounds from the flower extract called polyphenols stop the cartilage breakdown.

They inhibit these pathways," that cause inflammation, Ansarisays, and boost the growth of the cartilage matrix.

Ayurveda's ancient knowledge

The fact that these plants have healing properties is no surprise to Marc Halpern, founder of the California College of Ayurveda.

Theres no shortage of evidence supporting the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine today.

Ayurveda translates as the "science of life."

Its a system of medicine that originated in India around 4,000 years ago, preserved in ancient texts.

The textbooks of Ayurvedic medicine describe almost every condition that we face todayfrom cancer to ulcerative colitis, to pneumonia, to interstitial cystitis, kidney stones

The texts include descriptions of herbs like the ones Tariq Haqqi is testing in his lab.

How does the Ayurvedic system of medicine work?

Ayurveda is a science of understanding what is right for you, says Halpern.

Were all different, says Halpern, and so is the way we respond to remedies.

The closest thing to it in Western thought would be our genetic makeup. We each have unique biochemical needs. Ayurveda has understood this for thousands of years.

Halpern looks at 50 or so physical characteristics, your pulse, skin, eyes, digestion to determine what he calls your Ayurvedic constitution and tendencies.

The emphasis, he says, is on prevention, and once we understand their tendencies, then we can work with those tendencies to define a diet and lifestyle thats right for that person.

Halperns college is the only school in the country that certifies Ayurvedic doctors, the highest level of accreditation.

Currently there are only a handful of Ayurvedic doctors in America. But the number of Ayurvedic practioners and health counselors is growing.

Halpern looks forward to the day when Ayurveda goes mainstream.

Eventually the day will come where you see an advertisement for Ayurvedic medicine during the superbowl!

He is working with a yoga studio in Columbus to train Ayurvedic practioners.

Meanwhile at NEOMED, Tariq Haqqi is for seeking new, safer treatments for arthritis, using Ayurveda as inspiration.

It is now for us to go deeper into it with modern science.

See the article here:
The Ancient Science of Ayurveda Inspires Arthritis Research At ... - WOSU


UNC student dispels stereotype, seeks arthritis cure – Durham Herald Sun

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

Durham Herald Sun
UNC student dispels stereotype, seeks arthritis cure
Durham Herald Sun
Barber has had arthritis since she was 13. She is one of two Triangle residents chosen by the Triangle/Coastal Office of the Arthritis Foundation to be the face of arthritis and to help spread the word about the Triangle Walk to Cure Arthritis on ...

Go here to see the original:
UNC student dispels stereotype, seeks arthritis cure - Durham Herald Sun


British trial will save the sight of thousands of arthritic children – Express.co.uk

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017


Many children lose their sight or suffer impaired vision due to an inflammatory complication of the condition.

Scientists believe they may have uncovered the silver bullet when it comes to stopping this devastating damage.

A pioneering trial, funded by the charity Arthritis Research UK and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), has discovered a drug combination which has very impressive results.

The trial was first of its kind in the world and the findings are being hailed as a major step forward for thousands of children.

The trial's co-chief investigators, Professors Athimalaipet Ramanan, based at Bristol's Children Hospital and Michael Beresford, based in Liverpool, found that a drug called Adalimumab, in combination with Methotrexate, was an effective therapy in children with arthritis who go on to develop Uveitis an inflammation of the eye A staggering 75 per cent of those treated with the medication experienced a significant reduction in eye inflammation.

Early analysis of the data was so convincing that the trial was stopped prematurely.


Professor Ramanan, who also works at Bristol University, said, Uveitis in children is an important cause of loss of vision.

This study demonstrates the benefit of Adalimumab in children with uveitis. This is the first randomised trial of its kind worldwide and the results will have a major impact in children with uveitis all around the world.

Professor Beresford from University of Liverpool and Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust said: This landmark trial has demonstrated the commitment and leadership of colleagues across the UK in working closely with patients and parents in tackling a key priority of finding the very best way of caring for children with arthritis and this serious problem of uveitis.

It has shown the UK to be extremely well placed to deliver challenging trials in children, with the support of the NIHR Clinical Research Network and other research networks that are in place across the UK.

There are 15,000 children and adolescents in the UK with the auto-immune disease JIA. One third of those are likely to develop uveitis, leading to more serious visual impairments and may be registered as blind.

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Stephen Simpson, the director of research and programmes at Arthritis Research UK said: We are thrilled of the outcome of this trial and the huge promise it heralds for transforming the quality of life for the large numbers of children with JIA-associated uveitis.

This trial is an impressive example of how investing in exceptional science can ultimately help change how treatment is delivered with direct and immediate benefit for patients.

Go here to read the rest:
British trial will save the sight of thousands of arthritic children - Express.co.uk


Palindromic rheumatism (a cause of rheumatoid arthritis): Causes, symptoms, and treatment – Bel Marra Health

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

Home Anti-Aging Arthritis Palindromic rheumatism (a cause of rheumatoid arthritis): Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Palindromic rheumatism is a rare inflammatory condition and a precursor of rheumatoid arthritis, with about a third of patients progressing to the disease. Palindromic rheumatism is considered a form of inflammatory arthritis and is also goes by the name palindromic arthritis. It is characterized by flare-ups that start in one joint but may spread to others before settling down. Flare-ups are episodic in nature.

Due to the rarity of the condition, little research on the topic has been done. However, previously done studies have shown that during episodes of palindromic rheumatism, inflammatory cells move into the lining of the joints, promoting the characteristic redness and swelling in the affected area. What triggers this reaction is unknown, though genetic factors have been suggested. Other possible reasons could include infection, imbalance of hormones, and even trauma. Palindromic rheumatism affects both men and women equally for all ages.

Symptoms often present with sudden and recurrent attacks of painful swelling in one or more joints, with attacks lasting as long as several days or just a few hours. It is common for patients to be symptom-free between these attacks. This inflammatory action may travel from joint to joint after the initial flare-up, but soon disappears with joints feeling normal after a short period. This inflammatory reaction is not known for causing damage to the joints. Over time, some individual with this condition may develop chronic joint inflammation and go on to develop rheumatoid arthritis. Other palindromic rheumatism symptoms may include:

Odds are, if you happen to have this rare condition, your physician may not recognize it right away. The symptoms may be confused with other similarly presenting disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis, which may prompt your doctor to perform various tests in this regard, but will often come up inconclusive, further prolonging the diagnosis of palindromic rheumatism. This lack of obtaining a definite diagnosis right away will most likely lead to you seeing a specialize that the recommendation of your doctor, which will very likely lead to an accurate diagnosis of your condition. Specialists for conditions such as this are often called rheumatologists.

Unfortunately, no specific tests exist to diagnose palindromic rheumatism, but instead with the eye of a highly-trained doctor in the conditions, such as a rheumatologist, a diagnosis based on symptoms alone is often enough. This conclusion will often come after all other likely causes of similarly presenting symptoms have been ruled out become making a palindromic rheumatism diagnosis

The most effective treatment strategy aims at decreasing the amount of inflammation occurring at the joint. Your doctor may recommend taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can be effective in decreasing inflammatory episodes, as well as for controlling pain and stiffness.

Other medication such as hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) can help lower the frequency and length of attacks. It may also reduce the probability of developing rheumatoid arthritis in the future. This medication is typically not the first choice when treating palindromic rheumatism, but may be an option if your doctor feels it is the best form of therapy in your particular case. Blood monitoring, frequent checks for side effects, along with kidney and liver monitoring are often required for drugs like these for palindromic rheumatism treatment.

If you happen to have palindromic rheumatism, there are many things to keep in mind when facing recurrent attacks. The following can help ease your symptoms:

During an attack:

Exercise: It may be useful to see a physiotherapist as they may help you find your best balance of rest and exercise. Staying active helps keep your joints working properly, but it is important to know your limits and not to overexert yourself, as palindromic rheumatism and fatigue commonly come together.

Diet: While no food has been conclusively identified to help palindromic rheumatism specifically, keeping a well-balanced diet that helps lose weight may keep you from putting excess tension and stress of your joints.

Work: A mild form of the condition is unlikely to significantly affect your work, but frequent and more severe inflammatory episodes may cause some difficulties. By making some necessary adjustments, you can cope with such symptoms more effectively. If you find you are unable to work due to your condition, there may be programs available that help those with disabilities.

Sex and pregnancy: Constant feeling of fatigue and pain may be off-putting when thinking about having sex, but during the symptom-free times between episodes, having sex should be a relatively pain-free experience. If you are looking to become pregnant and are currently taking certain medications for the treatment of palindromic rheumatism, it is best to speak to your doctor first and make the necessary medication adjustments, as they may interfere with normal fetal development.

Related Reading:

Use of pedometers found to decrease fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis patients

Rheumatoid arthritis and feet: The connection and feet arthritis pain relief tips

http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rheumatoid-arthritis/expert-answers/palindromic-rheumatism/faq-20058516 http://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/types/palindromic-rheumatism/ http://www.arthritisresearchuk.org/arthritis-information/conditions/palindromic-rheumatism/diagnosis.aspx http://www.healthline.com/health/palindromic-rheumatism#treatment4

Read this article:
Palindromic rheumatism (a cause of rheumatoid arthritis): Causes, symptoms, and treatment - Bel Marra Health


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