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Brain Death Reversed with Stem Cells – Emex Investment

December 6th, 2018 4:51 am

Brain Death Reversed With Stem Cells

Stem cells have the potentialto be used to treat and better understand some of the worldsmost deadly and disabling diseases.

The Big Q: Who is not interested in new ways to apply stem celltherapy?

The Big A:We are and have opened our Tatget 150 clinic in Bangkok,Thailand to apply this growing, life extending science.

We have recently heard about scientists in Philadelphia, PA,USA who have been injecting stem cells directly into the spinalcords of medically brain-dead people in order to revive them.

The idea of bringing people back from the dead is alittle too much for some critics to manage.

In March 2017, researchers at the biotechcompany,Bioquark,gotapproval to begin a clinical trial with 20 test patients to seeif neural brain damage could be reversed.

TheBioquarkwebsitesays the research and development organization is a lifesciences company developing proprietary combinatorial biologicproducts for both the regeneration and repair of human organsand tissues, as well as the reversion of a range of chronicdegenerative diseases.

Integrating regenerative biology, evolutionary genomics, andbio-cybernetics, the futurists are offering death-resistingtreatments: a set of novel bio-products capable of directlyremodeling diseased, damaged, or aged tissues.

These achievements alone sound compelling, Yes?

But, then when adding the potential of restoring brain functionto a lifeless mind and the appeal goes up, way up.

Bioquarkgotthe federal nod t go ahead with their Non-randomized,Open-labeled, Interventional, Single Group, Proof of ConceptStudy With Multi-modality Approach in Cases of Brain Death Dueto Traumatic Brain Injury Having Diffuse Axonal Injury study,slated to begin in July 2018. Youll note theres no mention ofraising the dead at this point.

The study participants will not be injected with stem cells.that is just the 1st step of this experimental treatment. Next,a peptide formula will be injected into the spinal cord. Thisis supposed to help new neurons grow. Finally, a 15-day courseof nerve stimulation and laser therapy will be administered, tostimulate neurons to form connections.

The main diagnostic tool is the electroencephalogram (EEG)which measures brainwaves and records them for future review.EEG results will be used to determine if the therapy is workingor not.

Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is a type of traumatic braininjury. It happens when the brain suddenly and swiftly shiftsinside the skull while an injury is happening. The axons (longconnecting fibers) in the brain are sheared when the brainsmacks against the skull and bounces back, accelerating anddecelerating rapidly.

DAI commonly damages many parts of the brain, to the extentthat DAI patients are typically in a coma state. The mainsymptom is loss of consciousness, which usually lasts no morethan six hours or so. But even if a person comes out of acomatose state, there may be signs of brain damage such as:

This multi-pronged treatment that combines injections of stemcells and chemical formulas with nerve stimulation is brand newand already attracting controversy.

Some of the debate has nothing to do with morality or ethics,but talk about the way to sign up a study participant who hasbeen pronounced legally dead.

Most US state laws define death as the irreversible loss ofheart and lung or brain function.

The Big Qs 2&3: If the researchers are successful inrestoring brainwaves to an inactive mind, will the patientspersonality and memories be restored intact? Will theindividual be in a mental condition comparable to what theperson had before the traumatic brain injury?

The Big As 2&3:

Dr. Ed Cooper, an orthopedic surgeon involved in the study,gave Zero odds for success because the procedure must act on afunctional brain stem which connects most of the motor neuronsto the cerebral cortex.

But Ira Pastor, Bioquarks CEO, agreed with his colleague, Dr.Cooper in principle but gave hope for a positive outcomebecause there is a small nest of cells that continue tooperate in brain-dead patients.

Dr. Pastor is an optimist about restoring brain activity incomatose or brain-damaged patients. I just think its a matterof putting it all together and getting the right people and theright minds on it, he said.

Dr. Charles Cox, a pediatric surgeon at the University of TexasHealth Science Center atHouston who has researched the kind of stem cells used in theBioquark trial, echoed Dr. Coopers reservations: I thinkreviving someone would technically be a miracle. I think thePope would technically call that a miracle.

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively

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Paul A. Ebeling, polymath, excels in diverse fields ofknowledge. Pattern Recognition Analyst in Equities,Commodities and Foreign Exchange and author of The RedRoadmasters Technical Report on the US Major MarketIndices, a highly regarded, weekly financial marketletter, he is also a philosopher, issuing insights on awide range of subjects to a following of over 250,000cohorts. An international audience of opinion makers,business leaders, and global organizations recognizesEbeling as an expert.

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Brain Death Reversed with Stem Cells - Emex Investment

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