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Blindness should have spared Hall and more letters to the editors – Chattanooga Times Free Press

December 15th, 2019 9:54 pm

Time behind bars can change a man, especially 30 years. All that time, alone in your thoughts, and replaying that horrible day you did the unthinkable. I don't think the now-executed Lee Hall should have been freed but rewarded for his good behavior for these past 30 years.

The fact they sent a man his death who served 30 years with not even a misdemeanor on his prison record is absurd. The time he did and with the condition he was in, Lee should have been given a chance for a retrial with the chance of a life sentence without death row or probation. But the controversial killing of a blind man could have been prevented if not for the Department of Correction.

The Department of Correction knew Lee Hall had glaucoma since 2010 and failed to listen to the medical recommendations. Everyone should have the right medicine and to not be in pain, no matter how much pain they have given to the world.

Killing a blind person who is no longer any harm to this world is wrong and not what this amazing country represents.

Noah Allen, McDonald, Tennessee


Drain Trump Swamp in November 2020

We've got a problem. We have a dishonest administration that seems to be out of control. The government appears to be guided by a person who is mentally ill. This person, Donald J. Trump, is supported by platoons of stooges, "yes men" who do his bidding. Hunting has started for a stooge scapegoat for the current mess. Stooges are expendable.

My feelings are that it is better to let Trump get his comeuppance at the hands of the voters. This loss of the election would bring a message to the base and the evangelicals about clay feet. It would be a traumatic learning experience.

Also, nobody would need to deal with conspiracy theories and books by nutball minor players in the impeachment. If the evangelicals want to evangelize, they could start with the Trump Swamp at the top. Don't fiddle with the underlings.

The big question is how many generations will it take to fix this inside attack on America? Judges have a lifetime appointment.

Bill Reed


Recycle restaurant packaging waste

Restaurants create a lot of material waste. I have worked in a lot of restaurants in the past few years, and I have seen many, many recyclables go into the trash cans. Glass, plastic and paper waste is a major problem in the industry due to the packaging in food and alcohol deliveries.

Those materials waste precious resources such as water and energy. Of course, this is an integral part of the restaurant industry. However, we are able to make more responsible choices by choosing to recycle correctly and sourcing food locally.

The food will be fresher, in season, and will help boost local economies. If we are willing to take it a step further, we can consider composting the food waste we are able to.

Eden Skelton

Read more from the original source:
Blindness should have spared Hall and more letters to the editors - Chattanooga Times Free Press

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