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Biotechnology | Delaware Technical Community College

August 4th, 2016 9:36 am

Biotechnology provides a career path for students with an interest in science and how things work. Biotechnology is the use of living organisms or biological systems to create or modify products or processes. Using yeast to make bread or beer is an application of biotechnology that dates back thousands of years. More modern examples include DNA fingerprinting, developing strains of pest-resistant crops, producing specialized medicines, and altering bacteria for industrial waste cleanup. In the biotechnology associate degree program, you will acquire a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that enables you to perform complex laboratory procedures and analyze data for research and testing purposes.

The curriculum includes four semesters of science, math, computer, and core courses plus an internship at a regional laboratory or research facility.

This program is offered at the Georgetown and Stanton campuses.

In this program, you will gain the knowledge and skills to prepare you for positions such as:

A biotechnician for a variety of laboratory settings in the medical, environmental, industrial, and agricultural fields

A competitive starting salary of $25,000 - $31,000

The Program Graduate Competencies listed below identify the major learning goals related to your specific program of study and identify the knowledge and skills you will have when you graduate to be successful in your chosen field.

The Core Curriculum Competencies listed below identify what you, as an associate degree graduate, will be able to do upon completion of your degree, regardless of your major. You will acquire these core competencies through your general education courses (i.e. English, math, etc.) and your program of study courses.

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Biotechnology | Delaware Technical Community College

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