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Biotech – Engineering Biology to Service Us

July 6th, 2020 11:46 pm

I recently got my proposal rejected by the SBIR program. What bothered me the most was that all three had failed to cite any fundamental issues with the scientific merit of the study. Their resins for rejection were as follows:

Proposed PI does not hit a Ph.D in the field for which he describes his research.

Lab facilities that had agreed to host the proposers research do not explicitly list the presence of electron microscopes

PI did not outline his strategy for addressing regulatory hurdles in bringing the proposed construct to market.

PI did not cite any prior, existing relationships with partners capable of navigating the regulatory space.

Project leans on two fashionable areas of research and fails to demonstrate significant market need.

PI cites click-chemistry as one of the methods employed in the research but lacks anyone on the project team with direct experience in said method.

It felt really discouraging to read through the reviewer opinions, because they attacked the project at at places that (in my opinion) dont have as much weight as the research itself. The hypothesis was built on a solid review of over 30 primary sources and the reviewers barely said anything about the actual science of it.

I guess Im not ready to bury this thing yet and wanted to know if there were other, international funding sources I could resubmit to.

Read the original:
Biotech - Engineering Biology to Service Us

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