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BioHealth and Life Sciences – Maryland is Open for Business

September 8th, 2016 11:45 pm


To post job/internship opportunities, employers must email BioHealth.info@Maryland.gov a request to post a job/internship link which includes the link to the job description (including application instructions, and the point of contacts name, title, organization address, phone and email.)


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Marylands colleges and universities offer dozens of biohealth technology certificate, two and four year and advanced degree, continuing education and specialized training programs in fields ranging from nanotechnology to biomedical engineering, biotechnology manufacturing to clinical trials project management. A sampling of life sciences related programs are listed below. For more questions, or specific training needs, please contact the Maryland Department of Commerces Office of BioHealth and Life Sciencesfor more information.

Four Year Colleges and Universities:

Community Colleges:

The continuing growth of Biotechnology companies is dependent upon the level of training and education and skills of their workers. Marylands colleges and universities not only offer a wealth of biotechnology education and training programs, but also most willcustomize training targeted to specific needs. A number of private and nonprofit organizations also offer training. These programs include:


Bio-Trac offers hands-on biotechnology training workshops that are ideal for bench and research scientists. Team-taught by active researchers at a graduate/post graduate level, Bio-Trac workshops focus on the latest relevant technologies in cell and molecular biology. Bio-Trac provides custom designed training programs for government, private and academic institutions as well as conducting 20+ offerings at the Montgomery College Bioscience Education Center in Germantown, MD.


Training modules developed with industry input from board with large industry representation. In addition to designing training modules based in industry input, BioTRAIN staff work closely with Montgomery Colleges other Biotechnology certificate degree and programs to place students.

Biotechnical Institute (BTI)

Free skill-based scientific training provided to qualified adult high school graduates who are unemployed or underemployed to become entry-level biotechnicians/lab techs. BTI partners with Baltimore CC and has a successful placement record.

The Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES)

An array of management and leadership development seminars and workshops provided to help the medical science and public health community to advance their professional knowledge. FAES offers 120+ courses in 12 departments.

Maryland Tech Connection (MTC), operated out of Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation

Biotechnology and IT training for long term unemployed blending industry-led training and work and learn strategies with strong job seeker wrap-around supports. The program serves 12 counties and the city of Baltimore, and includes 59 partners.

Companies looking to open their first office in Maryland have a wide variety of incubators (with lab space and without wet lab space)to choose from. Use our incubator search tool to find the right space for you. Several of the incubators are housed inresearch parks where they have ample room to grow and leverage the parks resources. Browse through Marylandsresearch parks for a snapshot of what is available.

See the article here:
BioHealth and Life Sciences - Maryland is Open for Business

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