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Beebe Healthcare to host Integrative Health classes in October – Milford Beacon

October 10th, 2019 9:47 am

Delaware News Desk


Beebe Healthcares Community Outreach and Integrative Health team will host two classes in October at Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams Ave.

Integrative Mental Health 101: Getting to the Root of What Ails You will be held at 3 p.m. Oct. 9. Carolyn Trasko, an Integrative Mental Health Specialist, will give a presentation to gain a deeper understanding of how the relationship between the mind, and emotional, psychological and physical experiences offers important clues to help manage and potentially overcome chronic health conditions, including anxiety and depression. Mind-Body Medicine consists of a model of whole-person care that utilizes a focus on mind, brain, body and spirit to identify and treat illness.

The class is free, but registration is requested to integrative-mental-health-101-lewes.eventbrite.com

Healing Encounters: Alternative Therapies for Pain Management, from CBD Oils to Tai Chi, is set for 3 p.m. Oct. 23. Explore the latest, most effective non-opioid solutions to pain management with leading integrative medicine physician Uday Jani. Jani will describe the numerous options available, including the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine, the therapeutic properties of the arts including mind-body medicine, electrical modalities, herbal supplements and the new promise of cannabidiol/CBD oils. Learn more about the power of alternative medicines healing encounters to restore a state of health naturally at this intriguing talk.

This class is free, but registration is requested to alternative-therapies-for-pain-management-lewes.eventbrite.com.

For more, visit beebehealthcare.org.

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Beebe Healthcare to host Integrative Health classes in October - Milford Beacon

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