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Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology | UMUC

October 11th, 2015 2:45 pm

Professionals in biotechnology come up with answers to a host of humanity's problemsfrom Ebola to failing crops. With a bachelor's degree in biotechnology from University of Maryland University College, you can become a part of the solution.

For this program, you are required to have already gained technical and scientific knowledge of biotechnology through transferred credit and direct experience in the field.

The major combines laboratory skills and applied coursework with a biotechnology internship experience and upper-level study and helps prepare you to enter the pharmaceutical, agricultural, or biomedical research industries and organizations as a laboratory technician, quality control technician, assay analyst, chemical technician, or bioinformatician.

In your courses, you'll study biological and chemical sciences, biotechniques, bioinstrumentation, bioinformatics, microbiology, molecular biology, and cell biology.

Through your coursework, you will learn how to

In past projects, students have had the opportunity to

Our curriculum is designed with input from employers, industry experts, and scholars. You'll learn theories combined with real-world applications and practical skills you can apply on the job right away.

Arts and Humanities Classes | 6 Credits

Classes must be from different disciplines.

Technological Transformations (3 Credits, HIST 125)

A 3-credit class in ARTH or HIST

Introduction to Humanities (3 Credits, HUMN 100)

A 3-credit class in ARTH, ARTT, ASTD, ENGL, GRCO, HIST, HUMN, MUSC, PHIL, THET, dance, literature, or foreign language

Behavioral and Social Science Classes | 6 Credits

Classes must be from different disciplines.

Economics in the Information Age (3 Credits, ECON 103)

Technology in Contemporary Society (3 Credits, BEHS 103)

Biological and Physical Sciences Classes | 7 Credits

Introduction to Biology (4 Credits, BIOL 103)

Introduction to Physical Science (3 Credits, NSCI 100)

Computing Classes | 6 Credits

Overall Bachelor's Degree Requirements

In addition to the general education requirements and the major, minor, and elective requirements, the overall requirements listed below apply to all bachelor's degrees.

Double majors: You can earn a dual major upon completion of all requirements for both majors, including the required minimum number of credits for each major and all related requirements for both majors. The same class cannot be used to fulfill requirements for more than one major. Certain restrictions (including use of credit and acceptable combinations of majors) apply for double majors. You cannot major in two programs with excessive overlap of required coursework. Contact an admissions counselor before selecting a double major.

Second bachelor's degree: To earn a second bachelor's degree, you must complete at least 30 credits through UMUC after completing the first degree. The combined credit in both degrees must add up to at least 150 credits. You must complete all requirements for the major. All prerequisites apply. If any of these requirements were satisfied in the previous degree, the remainder necessary to complete the minimum 30 credits of new classes should be satisfied with classes related to your major. Contact an admissions counselor before pursuing a second bachelor's degree.

Electives: Electives can be taken in any academic discipline. No more than 21 credits can consist of vocational or technical credit. Pass/fail credit, up to a maximum of 18 credits, can be applied toward electives only.

Lower-level coursework must be taken as part of an appropriate degree program at an approved community college or other institution. Coursework does not have to be completed prior to admission, but it must be completed prior to graduation. Transfer coursework must include 4 credits in general microbiology with a lab, 4 credits in general genetics with a lab, and 7 credits in biotechnology applications and techniques with a lab. Additional required related science coursework (17 credits) may be applied anywhere in the bachelor's degree.

The BTPS is only available to students who have completed the required lower-level coursework for the major either within an Associate of Applied Science degree at a community college with which UMUC has an articulation agreement or within another appropriate transfer program. Students should consult an admissions counselor before selecting the BTPS.

Read the rest here:
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology | UMUC

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