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Assistant / Associate / Professor for School of Life Science and Technology job with SHANGHAITECH UNIVERSITY | 205309 – Times Higher Education (THE)

April 29th, 2020 4:53 am

Officially established on September 30th 2013 by Chinas Ministry of Education, ShanghaiTech University is a small-scale research university of academic excellence jointly established by Shanghai Municipal Government and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). ShanghaiTech focuses on science and engineering. The university consists of four schools and two research institutes: School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST), School of Information Science and Technology (SIST), School of Life Science and Technology (SLST), School of Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM), Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS) and iHuman Institute.


SLST is seeking applications focused on, but not limited to, genomics and proteomics, epigenetics, RNA biology, systems and computational biology, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, super-resolution microscopy, chemical biology and drug discovery, and translational medicine. Successful applicants should have an exceptional track record of research in life science or technology in the last five years. The recruited faculty members are expected to develop a first-rate research program and contribute to the educational missions of SLSTs undergraduate and graduate prog

Salary Package

Salary is highly competitive and commensurate with experience and academic accomplishments. ShanghaiTech also offers a comprehensive benefit package. On-campus professor apartment is provided.

ShanghaiTech will provide internationally competitive start-up funds, including support for Research Associates and Post-Doctoral fellows. Laboratory space will be provided to match research needs.

Application Procedure

Submit a cover letter (Firstname_Lastname_Cover_Letter.pdf), a 2-page research plan (Firstname_Lastname_Research_Plan.pdf), a CV (Firstname_Lastname_CV.pdf), up to 3 copies of most significant publications (Firstname_Lastname_Paper1-3.pdf), and the names of three references to SLST@shanghaitech.edu.cn.

Review of applications will start immediately and will continue until positions are filled.

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Assistant / Associate / Professor for School of Life Science and Technology job with SHANGHAITECH UNIVERSITY | 205309 - Times Higher Education (THE)

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