Arthritis,inflammation of the joints and its effects. Arthritis is a general term, derived from the Greek words arthro-, meaning joint, and -itis, meaning inflammation. Arthritis can be a major cause of disability. In the United States, for example, data collected from 2007 to 2009 indicated that 21 million adults were affected by arthritis and experienced limited activity as a result of their condition. Overall, the incidence of arthritis was on the rise in that country, with 67 million adults expected to be diagnosed by 2030. Likewise, each year in the United Kingdom, arthritis and related conditions caused more than 10 million adults to consult their doctors. Although the most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, a variety of other forms exist, including those secondary to infection and metabolic disturbances.
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis, affecting nearly one-third of people over age 65. It is characterized by joint pain and mild inflammation due to deterioration of the articular cartilage that normally cushions joints. Joint pain is gradual in onset, occurring after prolonged activity, and is typically deep and achy in nature. One or multiple joints may be affected, predominantly involving the knee, hips, spine, and fingers.
Approximately 90 percent of individuals experience crepitus (crackling noises) in the affected joint with motion. Muscle weakness and joint laxity or stiffness can occur as people become reluctant to move painful joints. Patients tend to have decreased joint stability and are predisposed to injuries such as meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament tears. Hip arthritis can affect gait, while arthritis of the hands can lead to decreased dexterity. Enlargement of the bony processes surrounding affected joints, called osteophytes (bone spurs), are common.
Joint trauma, increased age, obesity, certain genetic factors and occupations, and hobbies or sports that result in excessive joint stresses can result in the cartilaginous changes leading to osteoarthritis. Damage begins with the development of small cracks in the cartilage that are perpendicular to the joint. Eventually, cartilage erodes and breaks off, facilitating painful bone-on-bone contact. In due course, pathologic bony changes, such as osteophytes and subchondral bone cysts, develop and further restrict joint movement and integrity.
Osteoarthritis may be divided into two types, primary and secondary osteoarthritis. Primary osteoarthritis is age-related, affecting 85 percent of individuals 7579 years of age. Although the etiology is unknown, primary osteoarthritis is associated with decreased water-retaining capacity in the cartilage, analogous to a dried-up rubber band that can easily fall apart. Secondary osteoarthritis is caused by another condition, such as joint trauma, congenital joint malalignment, obesity, hormonal disorders, and osteonecrosis. Treatment for osteoarthritis is directed toward reducing pain and correcting joint mechanics and may include exercise, weight loss, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, and total joint replacement surgery.
Autoimmune arthritis is characterized by joint inflammation and destruction caused by ones own immune system. Genetic predisposition and inciting factors, such as an infection or trauma, can trigger the inappropriate immune response. Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease, is often associated with elevations in the serum level of an autoantibody called rheumatoid factor, whereas the seronegative arthropathies are not.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive inflammatory condition that can lead to decreased mobility and joint deformities. The worldwide prevalence is 0.8 percent, with a 2:1 predilection for women over men. Disease onset, mainly occurring in the third and fourth decades of life, may be acute or slowly progressive with initial symptoms of fatigue, weakness, malaise, weight loss, and mild, diffuse joint pain. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect the hips, knees, elbows, ankles, spine, hands, and feet symmetrically. The disease course is characterized by periods of remission, followed by progressive exacerbations in which specific joints become warm, swollen, and painful. Morning stiffness, typically lasting about two hours, is a hallmark feature of rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis tend to complain of joint pain after prolonged periods of inactivity, whereas osteoarthritis is typically exacerbated with extended activity. Rheumatoid arthritis can be severely debilitating, resulting in a variety of deformities. Some patients experience complete remission, which typically occurs within two years of disease onset.
Although the exact cause is unknown, rheumatoid arthritis results from the inflammation of the tissues surrounding the joint space. The thin lining of the joint space becomes thick and inflamed, taking on the form of a mass with fingerlike projections (pannus), which invades the joint space and surrounding bone. Initially, this results in joint laxity. However, with progression, the bones can actually undergo fusion (ankylosis), limiting motion.
The effect rheumatoid arthritis has on the hands is a defining characteristic. Clinically, it can be distinguished from osteoarthritis based on the distribution of joints affected in the hands. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect the more proximal joints, whereas osteoarthritis tends to affect the more distal joints of the hands and fingers. In severe cases, joint laxity and tendon rupture result in a characteristic deformity of the fingers and wrist.
Rheumatoid nodules are thick fibrous nodules that form as a result of excessive tissue inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. These nodules are typically present over pressure points, such as the elbows, Achilles tendon, and flexor surfaces of the fingers. Destruction of peripheral blood vessels (vasculitis) from the inflammatory process can occur in any organ, leading to renal failure, myocardial infarction (heart attack), and intestinal infarction (death of part of the intestine). In addition, rheumatoid arthritis is also associated with an increased risk of infections, osteoporosis (thinning of bones), and atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries).
Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is based on the presence of several clinical features: rheumatoid nodules, elevated levels of rheumatoid factor, and radiographic changes. Although rheumatoid factor is found in 70 to 80 percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis, it cannot be used alone as a diagnostic tool, because multiple conditions can be associated with elevated levels of rheumatoid factor.
Since no therapy cures rheumatoid arthritis, treatment is directed toward decreasing symptoms of pain and inflammation. Surgical treatment may include total joint replacement, carpal tunnel release (cutting of the carpal ligament), and tendon repair. Hand splints are used to slow the progression of finger and wrist deformations.
The overall life span of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis is typically shortened by 510 years and is highly dependent on disease severity. Disease severity and the likelihood of extra-articular manifestations are each directly related to serum rheumatoid factor levels.
Several rheumatoid arthritis variants exist. In Sjgren syndrome the characteristic symptoms include dry eyes, dry mouth, and rheumatoid arthritis. Felty syndrome is associated with splenomegaly (enlarged spleen), neutropenia (depressed white blood cell levels), and rheumatoid arthritis. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the most common form of childhood arthritis. Disease etiology and clinical course typically differ from that of adult-onset rheumatoid arthritis, and sufferers are prone to the development of other rheumatologic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis.
Ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease are a subset of conditions known as spondyloarthropathies. Typically affected are the sacrum and vertebral column, and back pain is the most common presenting symptom. Enthesitis, inflammation at the insertion of a tendon or ligament into bone, is a characteristic feature of spondyloarthropathy. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathies are not associated with elevated levels of serum rheumatoid factor. Spondyloarthropathies occur most frequently in males and in individuals with a genetic variation known as HLA-B27.
Ankylosing spondylitis is the most common type of spondyloarthropathy, affecting 0.1 to 0.2 percent of the population in the United States. In a region of Turkey, prevalence was found to be 0.25 percent, and in the United Kingdom prevalence is estimated to range from 0.1 to 2 percent. In all regions, the condition occurs more frequently in males than in females and typically strikes between ages 15 and 40. Genetic studies have shown that more than 90 percent of all patients with ankylosing spondylitis who are white and of western European descent are HLA-B27 positive.
Ankylosing spondylitis is characterized by arthritis of the spine and sacroiliac joints. Extensive inflammation of the spinal column is present, causing a characteristic bamboo spine appearance on radiographs. Arthritis first occurs in the sacroiliac joints and gradually progresses up the vertebral column, leading to spinal deformity and immobility. Typical symptoms include back pain, which lessens with activity, and heel pain due to enthesitis of the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon. Hip and shoulder arthritis may occur early in the course of the disease.
Reiter syndrome, a type of reactive arthritis, is characterized by the combination of urethritis, conjunctivitis, and arthritis. Patients typically develop acute oligoarthritis (two to four joints affected) of the lower extremities within weeks of gastrointestinal infection or of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease. Reiter arthritis is not considered an infectious arthritis, because the joint space is actually free of bacteria. Instead, an infection outside the joint triggers this form of arthritis. Other symptoms can include fever, weight loss, back pain, enthesitis of the heel, and dactylitis (sausage-shaped swelling of the fingers and toes). Most cases resolve within one year; however, 1530 percent of patients develop chronic, sometimes progressive arthritis. Occurring almost exclusively in men, Reiter syndrome is strongly linked to the HLA-B27 gene variant, which is present in 65 to 96 percent of symptomatic individuals.
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory skin condition characterized by raised red plaques with an accompanying silvery scale, which can be painful and itchy at times. Though typically seen on the elbow, knees, scalp, and ears, plaques can occur on any surface of the body. About 10 percent of people with psoriasis (possibly as many as 30 percent in some regions of the world) develop a specific type of arthritis known as psoriatic arthritis.
Psoriatic arthritis typically occurs after psoriasis has been present for many years. In some cases, however, arthritis may precede psoriasis; less often, the two conditions appear simultaneously. Estimates on the prevalence of psoriatic arthritis vary according to population. However, overall, it is thought to affect nearly 1 percent of the general population, with a peak age of onset between 30 and 55. Usually less destructive than rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis tends to be mild and slowly progressive, though certain forms, such as arthritis mutilans, can be quite severe. Occasionally the onset of symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis is acute, though more often it is insidious, initially presenting as oligoarthritis with enthesitis. Over time, arthritis begins to affect multiple joints (polyarthritis), especially the hands and feet, resulting in dactylitis. Typically, the polyarticular pattern of psoriatic arthritis affects a different subset of finger joints than rheumatoid arthritis. It is not until years after peripheral arthritis has occurred that psoriatic arthritis may affect the axial joints, causing inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (sacroiliitis) and intervertebral joints (spondylitis).
Arthritis mutilans is a more severe and much less common pattern (seen in fewer than 5 percent of psoriatic arthritis cases) resulting in bone destruction with characteristic telescoping of the fingers or toes. In addition, individuals with psoriatic arthritis necessitate more aggressive treatment if the onset of the condition occurs before age 20, if there is a family history of psoriatic arthritis, if there is extensive skin involvement, or if the patient has the HLA-DR4 genotype.
Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis, two types of inflammatory bowel disease, are complicated by a spondyloarthropathy in as many as 20 percent of patients. Although arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease typically occurs in the lower extremities, up to 20 percent of cases demonstrate symptoms identical to ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis is usually exacerbated in conjunction with inflammatory bowel disease exacerbations and lasts several weeks thereafter.
Joint inflammation, destruction, and pain can occur as a result of the precipitation of crystals in the joint space. Gout and pseudogout are the two primary types of crystalloid arthritis caused by different types of crystalloid precipitates.
Gout is an extremely painful form of arthritis that is caused by the deposition of needle-shaped monosodium urate crystals in the joint space (urate is a form of uric acid). Initially, gout tends to occur in one joint only, typically the big toe (podagra), though it can also occur in the knees, fingers, elbows, and wrists. Pain, frequently beginning at night, can be so intense that patients are sensitive to even the lightest touch. Urate crystal deposition is associated with the buildup of excess serum uric acid (hyperuricemia), a by-product of everyday metabolism that is filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. Causes of excess uric acid production include leukemia or lymphoma, alcohol ingestion, and chemotherapy. Kidney disease and certain medications, such as diuretics, can depress uric acid excretion, leading to hyperuricemia. Although acute gouty attacks are self-limited when hyperuricemia is left untreated for years, such attacks can recur intermittently, involving multiple joints. Chronic tophaceous gout occurs when, after about 10 years, chalky, pasty deposits of monosodium urate crystals begin to accumulate in the soft tissue, tendons, and cartilage, causing the appearance of large round nodules called tophi. At this disease stage, joint pain becomes a persistent symptom.
Gout is most frequently seen in men in their 40s, due to the fact that men tend to have higher baseline levels of serum uric acid. In the early 21st century the prevalence of gout appeared to be on the rise globally, presumably because of increasing longevity, changing dietary and lifestyle factors, and the increasing incidence of insulin-resistant syndromes.
Pseudogout is caused by rhomboid-shaped calcium pyrophosphate crystals deposition (CPPD) into the joint space, which leads to symptoms that closely resemble gout. Typically occurring in one or two joints, such as the knee, ankles, wrists, or shoulders, pseudogout can last between one day and four weeks and is self-limiting in nature. A major predisposing factor is the presence of elevated levels of pyrophosphate in the synovial fluid. Because pyrophosphate excess can result from cellular injury, pseudogout is often precipitated by trauma, surgery, or severe illness. A deficiency in alkaline phosphatase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down pyrophosphate, is another potential cause of pyrophosphate excess. Other disorders associated with synovial CPPD include hyperparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, hemochromatosis, and Wilson disease. Unlike gout, pseudogout affects both men and women, with more than half at age 85 and older.
Infectious arthritides are a set of arthritic conditions caused by exposure to certain microorganisms. In some instances the microorganisms infiltrate the joint space and cause destruction, whereas in others an infection stimulates an inappropriate immune response leading to reactive arthritis. Typically caused by bacterial infections, infectious arthritis may also result from fungal and viral infections.
Septic arthritis usually affects a single large joint, such as the knee. Although a multitude of organisms may cause arthritis, Staphylococcus aureus is the most common pathogen. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacteria that causes gonorrhea, is a common pathogen affecting sexually active young adults.
The most common way by which bacteria enter the joint space is through the circulatory system after a bloodstream infection. Microorganisms may also be introduced into the joint by penetrating trauma or surgery. Factors that increase the risk of septic arthritis include very young or old age (e.g., infants and the elderly), recent surgery or skin infection, preexisting arthritic condition, immunosuppression, chronic renal failure, and the presence of a prosthetic joint.
Postinfectious arthritis is seen after a variety of infections. Certain gastrointestinal infections, urinary tract infections, and upper respiratory tract infections can lead to arthritic symptoms after the infections themselves have resolved. Examples include Reiter syndrome and arthritis associated with rheumatic fever.
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