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American Association of Avian Pathologists – American Veterinary Medical Association

October 17th, 2020 1:50 am


Virtual annual meeting, July 30-Aug. 6

Lasher-Bottorff AwardDr. Eric Gingerich (Purdue 77), Zionsville, Indiana, in recognition of an avian diagnostician or technical service veterinarian who has made important contributions to the poultry health program in North America over the past 10 years. Dr. Gingerich serves as a technical poultry specialist for Diamond V. He is a diplomate of the American College of Poultry Veterinarians.

Phibro Animal Health Excellence in Poultry ResearchMark Jackwood, PhD, Watkinsville, Georgia, for sustained excellence in poultry disease and health for 20 years or more. Dr. Jackwood earned his doctorate in 1985 from The Ohio State University. He is head of the Department of Population Health and the Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Jackwood also serves as the J.R. Glisson Professor of Avian Medicine at the veterinary college. He is known for his expertise on infectious bronchitis virus, Bordetella avium rhinotracheitis of turkeys, mycoplasmosis, infectious laryngotracheitis, Newcastle disease, Pasteurella multocida, and infectious bursal disease.

Outstanding Field Case and/or Diagnostic Report AwardDr. Geoffrey Lossie (Purdue 14), Lafayette, Indiana. A diplomate of the ACPV, Dr. Lossie is a clinical assistant professor at Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, where he also serves as an avian pathology diagnostician at the Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory.

P.P. Levine AwardDr. John R. Dunn (Michigan State 03), Athens, Georgia, won this award, presented to the senior author of the best paper published in the journal Avian Diseases. Dr. Dunn is a research leader with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Services National Poultry Research Center.

AAAP Special Service Award and Excellence in Mentorship AwardDr. Mark Bland (Oregon State 87), Napa, California. A past president of the AAAP, Dr. Bland serves as a poultry veterinarian consultant for Cutler Associates International. He was recognized for his dedication to the poultry industry and for his mentorship of students through the associations preceptorship program.

Reed Rumsey Student AwardDrs. Ana da Silva, Davis, California, and Amir Ghorbani, Wooster, Ohio. Dr. da Silva won in the category of clinical research in avian medicine. She received her veterinary degree in 2010 from Federal University of Parana in Brazil. Dr. Ghorbani won in the category of basic research in avian medicine. He received his veterinary degree in 2012 from Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, in Iran.

A.S. Rosenwald Student Poster AwardDr. Victor Palomino-Tapia, Calgary, Alberta, won in the category of applied research. Dr. Palomino-Tapia received his veterinary degree in 2007 from National University of San Marcos in Peru. Dr. Mohammadreza Ehsan, Athens, Georgia, won in the category of basic research. Dr. Ehsan received his veterinary degree in 2013 from Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, in Iran and earned his doctorate in bordetellosis in 2017 from the University of Tehran in Iran.

Hall of Honor InducteesDrs. Lisa Nolan (Georgia 88), Watkinsville, Georgia; Patricia Dunn (Wisconsin 89), Port Matilda, Pennsylvania; and Patricia Wakenell (Michigan State 77), West Lafayette, Indiana. Dr. Nolan earned her doctorate in 1992 in medical microbiology from the University of Georgia. She serves as the Georgia Athletics Association Distinguished Professor and dean of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. A diplomate of the ACPV, Dr. Dunn serves as an avian diagnostic pathologist and field investigator with the Animal Diagnostic Laboratory in the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences at Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Sciences. Dr. Wakenell earned her doctorate in 1985 from Michigan State University. A diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, she is a professor emerita of poultry medicine at Purdue University, where she was head of avian diagnostics at the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory from 2008-19.

AAAP Life Member AwardDr. John Glisson (Georgia 80), Watkinsville, Georgia, in recognition of his outstanding service to the poultry industry. Dr. Glisson earned his doctorate in medical microbiology in 1985 from the University of Georgia. He spent his academic career at the university and served as vice president of research at the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association prior to retirement.

Dr. David Frame, Ephraim, Utah, president; Dr. Louise Dufour-Zavala, Gainesville, Georgia, president-elect; Dr. Eric Jensen, Huntsville, Alabama, immediate past president; Dr. Suzanne Dougherty, Elkmont, Alabama, executive vice president; Dr. Holly Sellers, Athens, Georgia, associate director; Kelly Hewitt, Ames, Iowa, student director; and directorsDrs. K.A. Ton Schat, Ithaca, New York; Samuel Christenberry, Cullman, Alabama; Michelle Kromm, Wilmar, Minnesota; Julie Helm, Columbia, South Carolina; Karen Grogan, Dacula, Georgia; and Rosemary Marusak, Chetek, Wisconsin

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