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A new study on cosmonauts brains with space traveler will lead to new motor skills with slightly we … – Stanford Arts Review

September 18th, 2020 11:58 am

Space travel cause motor skill and impaired vision

A comparatively permanent change in the capability to perform a skill as an outcome of practice or experience is called motor learning. Showing in the performance is an act of executing a motor skill. Therefore a motor skill is a learned ability to cause a predetermined movement outcome with maximum assurance. The goal of motor skill is to optimize the ability to perform the skill at the rate of success, precision, and to reduce the energy consumption required for performance. Continuous practice of a specific motor skill will answer in greatly improved performance, but not all movements are motor skills. Motor skills are something most of us do without even thinking about them. According to Glencoe McGraw-Hill Education motor skills are related to fitness is liveliness, sense of balancing, bringing together, authority, response time, and speed. These six components include standing, walking, going up and downstairs, running, swimming, and other activities that use the large muscles of the arms, legs, and torso.

Normally, vision impairment means eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataract and glaucoma create eye disorders which are caused because of eye injuries or birth defects. Whereas the person who travels space station will suffer from vision impairment problems. Therefore if the persons eyesight which is not been corrected to a normal level is said as impaired vision. This vision impairment may be because of loss of visual acuity which means the eye does not see objects as clearly as usual.

An astronaut or cosmonaut is a person trained by a human space flight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft. Until 2002, astronauts were sponsored and trained exclusively by governments, either by the military or by civilian space agencies. The word cosmonaut is originally derived from Russian space travellers more over the word cosmonaut mean a sailor of the universe which is derived from the Greek word kosmos meaning universe and nautes meaning sailor. Therefore Cosmonaut Brain acquired some kind of new motor skill, like riding a bike,

A study published examined that the researcher who returned from a lengthy mission of seven months in international space station discover that the brain of eight male Russian researchers have the minor changes in the cosmonauts brain that suggested the men were more dexterous but had slightly weaker visions. The researcher used a type of MRI Magnetic resonance imaging which is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the organs in the body where a 3D image of the cosmonauts brains is produced. The scan showed an increased amount of tissue in the cerebellum the part of the brain responsible for balance, coordination, and posture. But the scans also showed that the people living in space could wind up with trouble seeing up-close. Both of those changes could potentially be long-lasting. Thus, researchers expected to see temporary changes in the cosmonauts brains, but they were surprised to discover that the proved motor skills were still there several months after they would return to earth. Anyway, nothing on the earth is being comparative; it is possible when they go to their next mission that they can adapt more quickly. Thus it is proved that there will be a brain shift in space, which potentially resulting in blurred vision. Cosmonauts on the International Space Station typically exercise more than two hours a day to combat this process. They can also feel disoriented or motion sick while their body adjusts to a weightless environment. One important difference between life in space and on earth is that our blood and bodily fluids normally move against the downward tug of gravity, whereas in space, astronauts bodily fluids shift upwards.

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A new study on cosmonauts brains with space traveler will lead to new motor skills with slightly we ... - Stanford Arts Review

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