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34 Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Some of Which Are Based on a Personal Experience – eMaxHealth

April 25th, 2017 4:51 am

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a subject near and dear to my heart. Twenty years ago, my daughter who had essentially been sick since she weaned herself from the breast at 10 months old, was chronically ill from that time on. One month wed be in the pediatricians office for an ear infection and the next a sore throat. The overuse of antibiotics by her doctors without any type of sensitivity test to determine what antibiotic would be most effective bordered on malpractice. Eventually nothing worked. At 13, she not only had one of her recurring strept throat infections, this time it turned into an auto-immune disease known as Erythema nodosum (EN). The disease presented with small lumps along her shins about the size of a pea that were bright red and hot. Within a few days these lumps began to grow in diameter and were extremely painful. Medical books described he pain as exquisite. Finally the lumps would take on the appearance of bruises. We were living out of state at the time, and I felt moving home to doctors I knew was warranted. I took her to her regular pediatrician who examined her, left the room to do some research and them came back to give me a diagnosis. Susanna, I think this is Erythema nodosum. It could resolve in a few weeks, a few months, or years. As luck would have it, my daughters case was lengthy, lasting 7 years and leaving her with other health issues including arrhythmias, depression, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA).

Many of the allopathic treatments my daughter underwent were worse than the disease itself. Pain killers were addicting, epidural steroid shots caused fainting and back pain which she suffers from to this day, some of the anti-depressants caused the very issue we were trying to cure (Erythema nodosum) as well as suicidal ideation, and overuse of antibiotics completely knocked out her immune system.

Out of desperation I did my own research and discovered Thalidomide, the 1950s and 60s drug used to treat morning sickness in pregnant women was being used in the treatment of Hansens disease also known as leprosy (Erythema nodosum leprosum). I made the intuitive leap that Thalidomide might also work in EN. However, Thalidomide caused severe birth defects. While in the process of securing permission to use the drug, she went into remission.

Finally I met a doctor in Hawaii who told me she used potassium iodide to treat Erythema nodosum and that is was effective 99% of the time. Yet out of the 8-10 specialists we had seen, not one suggested this simple treatment. About that time, my daughter was thought to have breast cancer and had just had a baby so in the confusion, that simple treatment was forgotten.

Although the primary symptoms of the EN stopped once she was in remission, the secondary symptoms of RA, severe pain and inflammation with decreased mobility persisted. When she was 29 I discovered a product called LIMU which contained fucoidan, organic iodine, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fatty acids that was a complete nutritional and immune system boost. Within a matter of days she felt better and had improved mobility. Within 6 weeks she was pain free for the first time in almost 17 years. I began to do extensive research on brown seaweed and everything began to make perfect sense. In September my daughter will be 34 and she remains symptom free.

Arthritis is a debilitating auto-immune disease process that strikes about 1% of the population. Causes may include viral, bacterial, or mycoplasma infections so the underlying cause must be alleviated. While there are pharmaceuticals for the treatment of RA, they are not without serious side effects, especially biologics which lower immune function.

I have compiled an extensive list of natural options for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Those marked with an asterisk are what I personally consider most effective.

1. *Water Water is one of the most overlooked nutrients when it comes to health. Some people dont drink enough and some people dont drink water at all. Our bodies are about 60% water so its essential for life, organ function, removal of toxins and joint health. Here also see these home remedies to naturally reduce gout and arthritis pain.

More here:
34 Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Some of Which Are Based on a Personal Experience - eMaxHealth

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